How to Date a Girl? Rules & Step by Step Guide

It can be intimidating to go on your first date. Putting yourself out there can be nerve-racking, especially when you have little to no experience with him or her. The truth is, first dates sucked, but there was no escaping them in the world of dating. This is where you make your first impression, which will impact whether or not you are invited on a second date.

Although you may text your date continuously, the first encounter on a real date is always one of the scariest parts of all the preparation. By giving them a friendly smile and a snappy hello hug, you can calm her nerves and keep her calm. You’ll not only impress her with how well you play it, but also she will also begin to calm down after she sees how cool you are.

Making a joke can also help diffuse awkwardness. You’ll show them how serious you are, but once you and your date laugh together, it’ll clear the air for the rest of the evening.

What are the Basic Rules to Date a Girl?

Dress Code

There can be differences in dress codes depending on the date. No matter what is appropriate, it is nice to see a man take the time to look good. Expensive clothes aren’t always necessary. You could take your first date to an apple orchard, go scuba diving, or do something else that doesn’t require a fancy dress.

how to date girl rules step by step guide
How to date girl rules step by step guide

Even so, a guy can try to look nice by wearing clothes that complement his features and caring for his hygiene, such as combing his hair and shaving. In the same way that a woman’s makeup can make a girl feel unimportant if she does not make any effort, your efforts will not come across.

Go for Short date

The purpose of a short date is to get to know each other on a surface level and feel a spark, but not for so long that you begin feeling carried away by the excitement of what could happen. It can be incredibly fun to go on a five-hour bar crawl or watch a movie with your date after dinner. But it can also leave you dizzy and dejected if nothing comes of it afterward.

Keeping the dates brief also means you’re less likely to burn out and give up on dating if the dates aren’t all that great & you don’t have to overdo it.

Ask Sensible Question

Talking too much about yourself on a first date is the worst thing you can do. Please do not disclose too much personal information, especially if it will cause negativity. Disclosing the darker parts of your life has its place and time. You shouldn’t do it on your first date. Enjoy yourself and keep the mood light.

  • How do you stay motivated?
  • What are your biggest passions?
  • On your days off, what are your favorite activities?
  • Where has been your favorite place?
  • How would you spend your free time if money weren’t an issue?
  • Are you looking for a specific location?
  • Do you have any memories of great places?

Make Her Comfortable

You want to ask a girl on a date when you have just met her and you want her to feel comfortable being herself around you. It is important to appreciate her quirks and unique qualities, and not to be judgmental.

  • You may be joking, but coming off as critical can make her shut down, so be careful what you say.
  • Make sure she knows you are listening and that you care about what she says.
  • Laugh with the girl, but do not make fun of her, her friends, her family, or anything that might hurt her feelings this early in the date.


People start getting to know one another on their first date. It’s a time in which people find out new things about one another and the world around them. Keeping your own beliefs and opinions is fine, but refusing to hear about other people’s opinions is much less attractive.

Having spoken badly about some idea or group on a date is one of the biggest mistakes a man can make. He may discover that it was her idea or that she was a member of that group. You know the first date isn’t going well if you were visiting a restaurant & calling vegetarians silly. But when you hear your date asks the waiter if there was any vegan food available.

Talk about Relationship

You may want that kind of girl if that is indeed what you want from her. Ultimately, you have nothing to gain by keeping your long-term orientation from others, but you stand to lose a great deal if you do. Keeping things as casual as possible not only impacts your emotional well-being but also takes a lot of time.

Do not let your fear of scaring a potential partner away or making them seem desperate stop you from telling them you want a relationship in general and not necessarily with them. It’s a good thing you’re honest about your intentions when you bail because anyone who leaves doesn’t stick around long term.

Split the Check

You should ask your date what they are getting if you think they will pick up the check. You can then choose something around the same price if you’d like. It’s a completely typical, unassuming query. If you receive a check, split it. Gratitude is always nice, but maybe next time offers them ice cream instead of having to pay.

Say Thank You

Some people believe that a woman should send a message immediately after a date to show interest, but others believe that it should fall on the guy if you’re pursuing a male prospect. Before departing, thank your date sincerely and warmly in person. As a result, they may feel that they have an obligation to respond in a specific way, and you will remove any healthy tension on their part.

Do not make date night a Movie Night

You should not go to the movies for your date. Not only will you not be able to meet a girl in the movie theater, but you may also find that sitting in that theater is awkward for several reasons. You must consider the genre of the movie you choose on your first date.

You may not like a comedy and your date may not like a romantic movie. As for the truth, both of you are not paying attention to each other. It appears that you are more concerned with where to put your hands than about the stale popcorn you just bought.

Date Again

When the night is closing in, if your date is still interested in seeing you again, let them know. Whether you are direct and tell her that we should totally do this again a little later, or if you are coy about it is totally up to you.

Bring up something that was mentioned earlier in the conversation if you don’t want to be too forward. They will appreciate the gesture indicating that you want to see them again, and they will be delighted to share a common interest with you.

Date multiple girls at once

Do yourself a favor and try the field before entering into an agreed-upon monogamous relationship. It’s most likely that you’ll end up with the following if you don’t. The relationship grows more intense as you meet someone you like, go out with them again, and things escalate. When she withdraws, ghosts, or tells you she is not serious, bang she’s gone.

She’s the one you’re emotionally invested in, so you’re crushed. Besides, she hasn’t shown any interest in you. The disappointment is even more painful when you’re close to someone. You can save yourself from pain by dating more than one girl to get to know them better.

10 Things Girls Want to Check a Guy on Date

Be Spontaneous

Things can get repetitive and even boring if you don’t keep that spark going while on a date. A woman appreciates a man who is spontaneous and unafraid to experiment. Having a guy who’s up for anything and always in the mood for adventure makes her life exciting.

A guy who surprises you is a guy who cares about keeping you happy and keeps things interesting, whether it’s going movie or trying out a new restaurant he thinks you’ll love.


You’ll probably hear your parents tell you that patience is a virtue. Life requires patience in all aspects, including career, culture, lifestyle, and dating. There are often times potholes on the road to happiness, since relationships take time to develop, they aren’t perfect from the start, and they must evolve over time.

Women want a man who understands and is patient with them when life gets messy, and so do men. It’s not a good thing if a guy just wants to sleep with her or is uninterested in what she wants in life. She is more likely to think long-term with a man who listens and adjusts.


When it comes to dating, you should learn the difference between being cocky and being confident. That is not what a girl wants: the guy who walks into a club thinking he can go home with any girl in the room. A man who is self-assured in his relationship is what she prefers. So he won’t get jealous or insecure when a girl chooses to spend time with her friends or even alone. Women want a man who makes them feel good about themselves.

The next time you find yourself thinking about going through your girlfriend’s phone, stop. You are the one with the problem, not her. Because you aren’t confident about your relationship and your girl, you shouldn’t feel the need to violate her privacy.


You shouldn’t earn respect, but rather give it. You need to reevaluate your views on women if you think that a girl must earn your respect. You owe girl respect until you actually know her, no matter what you’ve heard about her or how she appears. There is an unfairness in judging someone before they really know him or her. A guy should show them the same respect girl expects of him.

Bond between guy to his Parents

She wants someone with whom she can see a future when she is dating and looking for someone serious. Families play a vital role in dating and in assessing her future. Girls like to see how their man interacts with his parents. As a result, he will strive to keep a good relationship with her family.


There’s something sexy about smart guys. When it comes to relationships, girls prefer nerds to jocks, regardless of what they told you in high school. They are attracted to smart, witty men who know what they’re doing. Having someone’s entire world revolve around you is nice, but it’s unrealistic. The smart guys know it’s important to have a life that balances work and play-they know how to achieve that. You, your friends and your parents will be able to have a thorough discussion with them about everything.

Have a great sense of Humor

When it comes to finding a date, a guy with a sense of humor always wins. When a guy makes a girl laugh, he’s showing her the fun and funny side of life regardless of what’s going on. It’s important to have someone who enjoys standing in the corner at parties and making fun of people.

Life is too short to not laugh until you cry, so we want someone who doesn’t care what their laughing face looks like or if they snort when they laugh.

Be Loyal

Every woman wants a loyal man in her life. The importance of loyalty to everyone in a girl’s life, especially to her love, cannot be overstated. It’s easy for a girl to trust a guy who shows loyalty, regardless of what he does or whom he does it with.

However, loyalty does not only mean you won’t cheat on your girlfriend. You are loyal to her if you are true to her. If you have a rough day at work and just want to be left alone, even if you don’t feel like it, you won’t make her insecure about your relationship.

There is no need to keep anything secret from her; everything will be out in the open. The person you love doesn’t have to know everything about you, but she should know the things that matter most to you.


Trust takes time to develop, but she is always on the lookout for the breadcrumbs you leave behind. The fact that a guy has had a lifelong friendship is often regarded as a sign of loyalty and trust, both of which girls value. Her focus will also be on what kind of guys you hang out with.

It indicates that a guy takes his relationship and his emotions seriously when he is sincere with you about yours. An open guy shows trust in his girl when he opens up. It is always a desire of girls to have men be open about their feelings and not have to ask how they feel.

Physical Intimacy

If anyone tells you that sex doesn’t matter, don’t believe them. It’s not necessary to have it, but it’s important to have a guy who understands the wants and needs of his girlfriend and isn’t afraid of going the extra mile for her.

It is not desirable to be around a selfish individual who only cares about himself. A woman wants a man who isn’t afraid to assert himself, who isn’t afraid to try something new and wild and is never afraid to put her first in the bedroom.

Do’s & Don’t on Dating a Girl

  • First dates shouldn’t include sex or involve sex because it could be dangerous physically and emotionally.
  • Wear clothes that make sense for the occasion.  You feel comfortable in, so you’ll both be at ease.
  • Don’t share too much information about things like your medical problems or topics that could cause an argument like political arguments.
  • Consider an afternoon date and engage in a casual activity, such as going biking or taking surfing lessons, that prevents you from pulling out your phones and alleviates any pressure of taking things further too quickly.
  • Getting an understanding of who she is without looking too deeply into her past can be done by asking her about her hobbies, work, and goals.
  • Bring enough cash so that you are prepared to pay a portion or all of the date, depending on what you decide.
  • You should appear, talk, and act in a way that is authentic yet still your best self.
  • You might want to skip the alcohol and try not to overeat so that this date does not turn into your own true dating horror story.

What to do after dating a Girl you like?

Text her

She’ll be wondering when you’ll text her as soon as you close the taxi door and bid her farewell. Even if she doesn’t like you, she’ll still want the text regardless of when it arrives or how long it takes. Her response will depend on what she decides to do or whether she should respond at all.

Tell her your Feeling

 Make sure she knows how you felt about the date, don’t leave her hanging. You can’t wait to see her again when she gets home & she’s safe. Her mind will be at ease, and her excitement for the next date will increase as well.

When you reflect back on the date and realize you’re no longer interested, let her know that you’re no longer interested. You need to communicate regularly with the other person if you want the relationship to succeed. Don’t play hard to get if you want the relationship to prosper.

Accept Rejection

It is unfortunate to learn that the other person is not feeling the same way about you. Whenever someone declines your second date request, accept it with grace. Let them know you appreciated them telling you there was no connection.

Attraction level

You may not want to go on a second date if there was no attraction whatsoever. If you’re nervous, you may not feel incredibly attracted to the person right away. Even if you weren’t blown away by the person’s looks, it could be worth going on a second date to see if there is any attraction between you & her.

Give her some surprise gifts

When dating, you should remain consistent as much as possible, but also throw in some romantic surprises. It depends on the personality of the girl whether she’ll enjoy you cooking dinner for her, sending her flowers at work, or planning a fun weekend trip. If you mix it up from time to time, she will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Gut Felling

Early warning signs are sometimes present. This may be a sign that your date is not worth your time if they engage in behaviors that seem rude or inappropriate on more than one occasion.

  • Your serious comment could have made them roll their eyes or laugh. It’s possible that they barely engaged in conversation with you.
  • The night could have been uncomfortable because they were so rude to you.
  • You should trust your instincts.  You shouldn’t continue to see someone with a bad vibe.

Give her a month to decide

Some people may still need to figure out if you two are compatible and if you can work together after a great date. Unless they text you within a month, you need not pay much attention to how quickly they text you.

It’s more than enough time for someone to decide when and whether they want to see you again. You can assume that they are no longer willing or able to prioritize even the idea of you after that point.


Hence, we have got a basic idea about how to date a girl along with rules & step by step guide. Any questions, please feel free to ask.

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