How to Tell if Your Wife is Cheating? These 22 Signs Will Help!

Ways to Know Whether Your Wife is Cheating You or Not

The human mind has many shades. It is not easy to say which one will take control of us and when! These shades are responsible for our emotions, love, fantasy, and everything else. These shades will also determine our fidelity and commitment to the person we love and vice versa.

There can be many reasons behind someone cheating on you. But this post is not about finding or dissecting the reasons for which someone might cheat on you. However, when your wife is cheating on you, one has to understand the signs in order to avoid a bad situation or hurtful feeling as time progress.

How to Tell if Your Wife is Cheating?

It so happens that as our relationship moves forward, our partner might lose interest in us, and with the slightest of persuasion from someone else, they tend to slip. This post is dedicated to such a situation where I will be telling you a few signs for you to anticipate the situation.

So, let’s get started.

1# She Is Hanging Out More Often with Her Friends

Believe it or not but the first few people to know if your wife is cheating on you or not is her friends. Often women cannot keep such a secret from their friends; she will tell them everything. So, if you can observe her friends carefully while they are around her, you can pick up signs that something fishy is going on.

how to tell if your wife cheating these signs
how to tell if your wife cheating these signs

Apart from that, you may suddenly see that your wife has found a new crowd of people to hang around with, and she is doing it a bit too often. This new group can be the place where she must have found a new man, and thus she is spending more time with them compared to you. This way, she can have an excuse for you as well.

If you have that kind of prior familiarity with your wife’s friends, then you will be able to read their guilt-ridden faces about you being cheated on. Now, you cannot assume that they really care about your marital life, but if you are getting these kinds of vibes from them about the new group your wife is frequenting, then you need to confront her.

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2# Wife Cheating: She Calls Everyone but You

Considering our current lifestyle, someone being busy on the phone is not an unusual thing, really. But if you see your wife is always busy on the phone but still not talking to you, then something is not right. Another thing is her social media accounts are always active, and you can see her spending a lot of time on them. But the moment you will ask her why she didn’t call you or you touched her phone, her reaction will say it all. 

Suddenly, you will see her taking much longer time than usual to complete her errands, and every time you ask her about the explanation, you might receive some lousy reply. These things will become standard for you. 

Even if she is right in front of you, she might not talk to you that much. But the moment she is away, you will be completely disappeared as she will never call you or even return your calls. Your partner’s long phone activity that has nothing to do with and her constant avoidance of spending time with you are all signs of infidelity. 

3# Wife Cheating: Serious Lack of Intimacy

S*x is definitely an integral part of your married life. Now, we all know that during the first phase of your married life, you had plenty of s*x, and the closure between them was quite good as well. But with time, things don’t stay the same, at least not like before. But if she is avoiding having s*x completely and yet seems perfectly fine mentally, then you can anticipate that her emotional attachment has someone changed the course. A very clear sign that she is seeing someone else or feeling attached to someone else. 

You will be able to see the changes in physical appearance, attitude, or even in her lack of emotional intimacy. Now, everyone knows that the frequency of intimacy can surely change with the course of a marriage and especially when children are there. Like, when a new-born is there, you will not have much time to do these things. 

If she is showing you some cheating behavior, then you can anticipate some other signs as well. Like, she never likes to initiate the intimacy, she can give you a number of reasons for not having s*x, and you can feel some serious lack of connection exists between you and your wife. Considering that you are a couple, your s*x life is almost non-existent. 

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4# Wife Cheating: She Is Moody Back at Home

Depression is the word she would use instead of moody. But you can understand that she is feeling disgusted back at home. Probably because there is no one else apart from you. 

So, maybe she has spent a lovely evening with someone else, and now she is back, and it is you she has to see again. Well, certainly not a very welcoming thing to experience for her. What else do you need as a proof to confront her if she is cheating on you? The disgust in her eyes about home! It is enough!

5# Many Changes in Her Office Schedule

Is your wife working late in the office quite frequently these days? Well, this can also be a glaring sign of what might be going on. Now, if you can remember the old day, then it was clear that she had a fixed schedule, and based on that, you had set your schedule as well, isn’t it?

Now, if she has suddenly changed her schedule, then it can be the first sign of adultery. As you already know, it becomes very convenient for various co-workers to be romantically involved, especially when there is a natural gap in her married life. Now, it is nothing new, but if you don’t wish to jump the gun soon just because her schedule has changed, then there are some other signs you can look for as well. 

Do you often see that your wife is all dolled up for work every day? Or have you ever noticed that every time her phone rings, flashing a certain co-worker’s name, she gets light up? Or have you seen her texting a particular colleague more than others? You might even see that she is caring about a particular colleague a bit too much these days. All these signs do mean something.

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6# Wife Cheating: Car Is Saying a Different Story

From the office to house and from home to work, this is all I do! Trust me, and it is a very common line spoken by most wives who are cheating on their husbands. They can never confront you, and thus, they will give you beautiful stories. Stories about how difficult the day it was back at the office; however, you find a bill at the restaurant twenty miles away from her office. But there is a better way to gauge that.

Restaurant bills can be thrown away or torn to pieces. The extra pair of dresses can go to a different dry-cleaner, but the kilometer count on her dashboard can reveal something that one cannot simply erase. A quick glance at that will tell you how far she has gone to cheat on you and have fun behind your back!

7# Wife Cheating: She is Constantly Demanding Privacy

Everyone knows that marriage is nothing but a team game, and both of you must play your part right to make it work. That’s why there is nothing wrong with the two being emotionally dependent on one another while making decisions. Now, be it purchasing some goods for your home or even working on a joint project, it is applicable for even deciding on the restaurant to have dinner in. Two spouses will surely make decisions like this together.

But if you suddenly see that she is not including you in her decisions, doesn’t even ask your opinions, or worse, she hates what you think, then this is a sign. On top of that, you might see that she is demanding a lot of privacy from you lately, and plus, she is not even interested in disclosing any of her decisions to you. Can you justify this change with any other word?

Now, in such a situation, your wife can be feeling two things, either she is trying to become an independent woman, or worse, she has already found someone else to share her decisions with. This is why she is asking for more privacy from you. Nevertheless, this is not a very good sign for you or your marriage. 

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8# Wife Cheating: Endless Reasons for Not Giving Time

She has been ignoring you for a long time now, and you are aware of it. However, the more you ask her the reason, the more reason you get. There is no one specific answer you get from her, but you get several. However, not a single one of them is a concrete one. 

Maybe she is seeing someone, or she is planning to see someone because the love is no longer there. But all you get is how busy she is back at the office and how difficult and hectic the last meeting was.

9# She Is Becoming Emotionally Distant and More Secretive

There can be no doubt that when a wife is genuinely in love with her husband, there cannot be any question of emotional distance. But if you suddenly see that your wife is being kind of aloof. Then something is surely off the track. You may have noticed that she does not express her emotions to you anymore. First, she was demanding more privacy, and now she is emotionally distant can lead to the fact that she is cheating on you. One can very well feel that his wife has become quite secretive.

Now, we all have a kinda tendency to keep things to ourselves to a certain extent. However, when you are married to each other, then there has to be a certain level of disclosure. When someone is requesting “too much” privacy, it becomes clear that the person has something big to hide from you, and they don’t want you to know anything about it. So, if she is being too secretive, then possibly she has something that she is ashamed to share with you.

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10# Fake Happiness as a Sign of Wife Cheating

Being a couple, it is natural for you two to be happy with each other. But if somehow none of you don’t feel the same, then there is something not right between you two. If, as a sensitive person, you feel that she is not genuinely happy every time you two are together, then you need to check out what’s going on in her head.

When someone has already found the emotional anchor with someone else, it is hard to feel the same with your own spouse.

11# Changing Her Looks Too Often

There comes a time when a person becomes very much conscious about how he/she looks. When it comes to a female, it can either be related to their low self-esteem or because of their mid-life crisis. But for married women, it may not matter too much, especially after having a child. This is because they don’t have much thought behind how they look. But suddenly, if you see your wife becoming super conscious about how she is looking, then maybe there is something more to it.

Light makeup every now and then has nothing wrong in it. But if you see her getting almost becoming obsessed with what she is wearing, then it may be a warning sign of her cheating on you. There is always a fine difference between someone dressing up to feel beautiful and some dressing up to impress someone else. Hence, you just have to see how minute attention she is paying on her looks and also if she is doing it just before going out. This can suggest that she is out to meet someone and thus all this effort. 

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12# Her Web History Doesn’t Exist

Our search history on the web can reveal a lot about our character and interest. A quick glance at our search history can give you information that even your diary does not have. But if you see your wife has no web history, then it is a very fishy thing indeed.

We all search something or the other on the internet. But most of us are not even bothered about the history unless, of course, you don’t want anyone what have you searched or whom have you searched. Try and see if she is frequently using the incognito mode on the web while searching for something behind your back.

13# She Is Frequently Receiving Gifts

Just think about the recent days. Have you seen her receiving many more gifts? Now, if it is just once or twice every now and then, one has nothing to worry about it at all. But if you see her getting bombarded with gifts ever too often, then surely something is wrong. 

Like, out of nowhere, she is getting a bouquet of roses every week, but it didn’t stop just with flowers. Suddenly, you see her having a beautiful set of diamond earrings. Then you will see her using her favorite perfume, but it is a new bottle, and you just happened to have bought her a new one only a few days ago. Then who is this new person, so eager to know all her favorites?

Of course, who would gift you expensive gifts out of just nothing. These things are those red flags that you should never ignore. 

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14# She Feels Agitated When You Touch Her Phone

Maybe you don’t even have the slightest interest about touching her phone. But even if, by chance, you just happen to go even near her phone, the agitation in her eyes becomes vivid. You will feel that she doesn’t want you to touch her phone at all. 

This can be a very clear sign that there is something in her phone that she doesn’t want you to see. But being husband-wife, such distrust against each other is not a very good sign at all. So, what do you do if you see such a thing?

15# Having Regular Fights

There are some people in this world who are actually quite moody, and they practically cannot help being moody for no apparent reason. But apart from them, every other person in this world has a point when they stay in a sour mood for a certain period, and you don’t want to bother them at that point of time. This is true even for kids.

But if your wife is cheating on you, then things can go on a different tangent. Out of nowhere, you will find yourself competing against her in a screaming match. The reason can be too trivial or something that is not worth all this trouble. If your wife is picking fights, especially for no apparent reason, then you can definitely consider it as a great sign of adultery. It becomes one of their key weapons when they wish to have their space from their partner. If you have seen her act aggressively lately and create problems out of nowhere, then read between the lines.

Like, maybe you have fulfilled all her demand of the duties you ought to do like earning the bread, taking care of the kids, and even taking care of the house, but now she is picking a fight with you because of your snoring at night. This little thing can lead to the fact that she needs her space as you snore too much.

The list can go on when you will see her leaving the house for a silly reason, or it can be a decoy for her to meet with her secret lover. Anything is possible in this case when you have an unfaithful partner. For them picking up fights works as a self-justification to find solace in the arms of someone else.

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16# Financial Insecurity

Various matters related to money can also be a sign of infidelity in a marriage. Every kind of relationship can go through a time of financial stress. But if you have the resource to track her spending nature, then you can have some idea about the truth. If you see her suddenly spending a lot of money on things like hair and makeup, then it can be a sign. 

A quick look at her bank and credit card statement can give you some fair and square idea about where she is going and which things, she is spending her money on. Tracks financial expenditures never lie.

17# Very Strange Behavior

There can be no doubt that when your partner is cheating on you, shady behavior will be a common part of it. They will have a very inconsistent way of reacting to things, and you are certainly not used to seeing this. 

There are some people who, to suppress the guilt they feel, can start paying more attention to you and even shower you with gifts. In this case, you should focus on looking at the pattern of the whole thing. Because at one moment, you might feel that they are checked out of the relationship but at the next moment, you might find them very much involved. 

Also, your wife might not be very open about her outings, but she will always be curious about yours. You might be questioned about a place where she had already been just to see if she is clear of all doubts or not.

18# Mobile Activity

Nobody is worried about mobile last seen in normal case, but if suddenly it is different from regular, then there may be something. Let’s focus on it slightly:

  • If your wife suddenly stops the last seen of her mobile WhatsApp or social media then it is clear that she doesn’t want to show you are late-night messages and timings!
  • If the last seen is not off, and you observe that she is active beyond the sleeping time, there may be a chance of her engagement with other. Remember, it may happen in normal cases as well but if it is regular, then definitely there may be a chance of the wife cheating!

19# Taking Photos

This is one more scenario, where it can have a guess if the wife is cheating! I am starting from a real-life example. One of my friend & his wife having this issue. His wife takes a group photo but when she set her profile picture, she crops it and removed her husband. A group photo included her & her husband, two kids & her father & mother. But in the cropped photo, everyone was there except her husband.

20# Distance in Photos

This is one more probable sign of a cheating wife. Whenever you will see a group photo, you will never see a wife & husband together. People are between them and it symbolizes that there is some problem. If the husband is ok, then there may be a chance of the wife cheating as this is not normal behavior.

21# Taking Money Not Like Regular

Mr. Dev and Mrs. Minashi, are happy for the last 14 years and they have 2 kids. Mrs. Minashi is a housewife and she normally takes 200$ per month for normal household expenditure. However, for a few years, she has started a separate bank account purely for investment purposes.

Last year she has managed 15,000$ from her husband for investment and this value is gradually increasing as she asked this year 20,000$. Her husband had a doubt why she is investing this huge amount in a normal bank other than some good opportunities and it will be better if he checks all pros & cons and then invested together. He caught her in Red hand as his wife didn’t invest any amount and other than saving she has given that amount to her new boyfriend. So, always keep your eyes open to stop your wife’s cheating in your relatinship!

22# Not Caring Kids

If you see your wife is not taking care of kids and is busy on social media or phone, then there may be a chance of cheating. It is normal behavior that mother and father will take care of their kids and any problem, surely they will take care!

  • In case you see, wife is not aware of the problem of kids, and busy in her activity, then there may be some problem!
  • Lack of emotion with kids or husband also tells that there may be a probability of wife cheating.

What Remains?

Now, there can be no doubt that some of these signs may not be applicable to everyone or your wife. But the idea here is to give you somewhere to start understanding if your relationship is going sideways. 

So, do you have any such personal experience? Then do feel free to share that with us in the comments section. It will help a lot of other people.

Best of luck!

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