My Ex Has a Better Life than Me: Here’s What You Need To Do?

In this article, we will learn my Ex Has a Better Life than Me then, what the things I have to do? The fact is that breakups are incredibly painful, but they will happen. The person who is left behind after a breakup is often in a much better position than the other. Usually, when this occurs, one person wins & one person loses. One of the funny things about breakups is that you can’t predict who will end up on top and learn how to get over them.

When there has been a long separation between two people in a couple, the real winner often emerges rather than the superficial struggles and sadness that often happen during an immediate separation or divorce. Remember, the person who seems to have started at the top usually doesn’t stay at the top.

Even though there is love all around, it does not mean you have to like it. Many of you will be celebrating your love on Valentine’s Day, but there may be some of you who still lick the wounds of past loves that didn’t end as you hoped. While it is true that living well is the best revenge, it isn’t the only revenge. Sometimes, you have to take action when your heart is broken so badly.

Things to do when your Ex has a better life than You

Accept Your Breakup

It’s hard to deal with a breakup. If you stay away from your ex, acceptance will come to a lot quicker. You will need time for this method to work. Regardless of whether you agree with the separation, try to analyze the situation objectively. You may not think about how you could have done things differently. You will only cause yourself more pain if you think about the things you could have or should have done.

Be Positive

After a breakup, you must work on being happy again. Your ex hates you for who you are, or you’re so broke that your reality check bounced. You deal with these problems from time to time with the help of your friends, family, and coworkers, as well as people you don’t know. Positive people are capable of overcoming negativity. However, you have the right mindset to accomplish that. You should stand tall and dig deep to find the courage to do so.

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Focus On Your Goal

Even when you haven’t yet reached all of your goals, it doesn’t mean you won’t, and even if you haven’t, it doesn’t mean you haven’t accomplished some smaller goals. You’ll be surprised at how much you have accomplished if you write down everything you have done.

Show them Your Success

The best revenge anyone can get is to show success to their ex. You are most likely to become dominant in your world if you achieve massive success. You let your ex know you were successful without them and that they were not worth anything to you in the end.

Jealousy makes your Ex Winning

In addition to seeing their goals achieved, you can also say that achieving them in such a powerful way is challenging. It was only a fantasy you knew them for, and now they’ve not only achieved these dreams, but they’ve exceeded them. You can tell from what you’ve seen that this is only the beginning of their extraordinary success, and they’re well on their way to accomplishing everything they ever dreamed of doing, and perhaps a few goals that you wanted to accomplish too.

Talk to Family Member & Friends

It can be great fun to hang out with your friends and family on weekends, but they can also be a huge help when the going gets tough. Lean on your friends for advice if you think they can help you to cope with your feelings after a breakup. Also, if you would rather avoid the deep analysis, that is fine as long as you don’t eliminate the people who know and trust you.

Have Better Friends

Successful people tend to attract other successful people. The people you spend time with and the people you are discovered around with determine who you are. Your ex will feel humiliated and lost when you approach people who will surely intimidate them. To intimidate your ex, you must have better relationships. You can get them angry and emotional by surrounding them with people they cannot be with.

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Accept Your Bad Feelings

While it’s an irritating term to hear while experiencing emotional turmoil, allowing you to feel everything from terrible to wonderful to indifferent is essential to healing.

Distracting yourself from a million other things is tempting, but rather than numbing out, feeling your feelings will enable you to deal with the situation and move on.

Motivate Yourself

Okay, so your ex has scaled the heights of professional success; they have shown you it’s possible. Your envious energy needs to focus on helping you fulfill your dreams and helping you do what it takes to achieve them. You might not do it the same way as your ex, but it still feels fantastic.

Pointing out Your Ex’s Flaws

When we look back, it’s easy to only see the good things about a relationship that failed. You might find peace faster if you spend some time focusing on the imperfections. Yes, they had a charming smile, but waiters remember that they were rude to them. However, they were not concerned about your work success even though they were excellent at romance.

Your Ex Fools You with Fake Happy after Breakup

When your ex appears happy after a breakup & you are not, please do not let your ex fool you. Even when you’re in pain and crying in bed, it’s hurtful to see your ex happy. You should not fall into depression because of your ex’s fake happiness. Nothing in it has anything to do with you. All the emotions that preceded and followed the breakup make your ex happy, but they are not related to you.

Your ex isn’t experiencing true happiness, nor is the happiness she is experiencing long-term.

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No Contract Rule

Deciding whether or not to stay in touch is one of the most challenging aspects of navigating post-breakup life. You may be better served by eliminating the ex from your life both now and in the future. Depending on the circumstances, how long you were together, whether you broke up with an amicable or mutual agreement, whether you shared friends, pets, living space, etc., can all play a role. If you take some time apart from each other and don’t contact each other, your decision-making process will likely be less stressful.

Love Yourself

You love yourself if you have good mental health. You can better describe this as understanding, accepting, forgiving, and empathizing with yourself. Since it’s one of the hardest things to do, it’s a good reflection of your mental health. That is especially true if you are coming out of a relationship with someone you still love.

The fear of losing your ex and wondering if you’ll ever find anyone like your ex makes you extremely vulnerable at this stage. Focus on strengthening your inner core rather than looking outwards. That it didn’t happen with your ex does not indict you or your ex in any way. You will continue to attract love since you possess qualities that attract others.

Stop Thinking about Revenge

When your ex broke up with you, he or she messed up your life. You would like to avenge the pain your ex caused you. No matter how much you want to curse them in your mind, don’t act on that thought. Instead, imagine punching them in the head and see what happens.

Revaluate Yourself

You may have ended your relationship because you were unable or refused to meet your needs. A reevaluation of those needs is necessary if that is the case. Identify where your boundaries have been crossed in the past to set your boundaries for future relationships. Relationships must be healthy and successful if the other person respects and understands the other’s needs.

Financial Situation

However, your ex wasn’t interested in the house, and he was financially dependent on himself. So you were dragging a dead weight around in this case. That is also a sign of dating a total scumbag, much like abuse. You must have been way too bad for him. Your chances of finding a better match increase as the year’s pass.

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Wish Him for better Life

It is unnecessary to reach out or use this as an excuse, just silently wishing them success. Success is in unlimited supply & there is enough to go around for everyone. Their achievements don’t detract from your success in life. Your behavior will reflect positively on you if you let go of your bitterness and congratulate them on their accomplishments.

Regardless of how small your contribution was, you made a difference. It would not have been possible for them to be who they are or to achieve this level if they hadn’t known you. Every relationship shapes that we are, in some way.

Be Grateful

A great deal of energy can be found in gratitude. You’re sure to get all you want and need if you’re grateful and appreciative for what you have. Well, you will not be jumping for joy right now. However, you should still feel thankful. Your relationship was not the only thing that made you happy when you focused on goodwill. Every day you should be grateful for other things in your life: your support system, the smell of rain, your dog. When you appreciate the beauty of the world around you, you will see the goodness of each situation.

Clean up your Ex’s Gifts

They gave you a birthday card, you got tickets for your first movie date, and you borrowed a sweater and never returned it. Get rid of the things that make you sad, bring back memories, or in any way keep you stuck in the past. Give what you can to a friend or donate sentimental items to a friend who will keep them.

Forgive Your Ex

People are usually filled with regret and anger after a breakup. Maybe your ex was disrespectful to you, or there was something else you could have done. It is important not to disregard the past because circumstances forced you to act in a certain way.

Such an experience can never be forgotten after it has occurred. Forgiving the past is what you have to do. You write down what happened objectively in a journal or talk to yourself. The incident cannot be isolated. It’s likely that something will trigger their memories tomorrow, even if you forgive yourself or your ex today. You will need to forgive again until you are no longer affected by regret or hate when thinking about the events.

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Avoid Rebound Relationship

When a relationship ends, it’s natural to feel empty, but that’s no reason to make poor choices. When you break up with your ex, don’t find a new partner right away. It would be unwise to assume that nothing happened and act as if nothing happened.

After a breakup, you will never forget the pain and depression. So, take your time and let yourself recover. Denying your emotions is not brave just for the sake of showing how cool you are. Get into something you hadn’t been able to do before and grow as a person instead of getting into a rebound relationship.

Learn From Failed Relationship

The reasons for falling in love with a person are different for everyone. It doesn’t mean everything was a total failure because it didn’t work out. You were not a failure if you connected with this person in a way that felt loved and gave love. It is important to understand the purpose, need of the relationship & its benefits.

Take Responsibility for Your Breakup

Relationships are two-way streets, so no one wants to feel as if it was their fault if a relationship ended. It is not the other person’s fault that the relationship ended, even if they were mainly at fault. You might want to think about how you contributed to the breakup to figure out what you can learn from it all. Don’t just blame the other person immediately, but think about what you can learn from the whole situation.

Do & Don’t after a Breakup

Don’t go to the place where you can see your Ex

Your Ex might shop at the same supermarket, or you used to go to the same brunch spot together. Even if you don’t run into your ex in the frozen food aisle, it’s hard to avoid emotional sights and sounds when you’re newly broken up.

Be Yourself

The topic of post-breakup bangs was a hot topic. Other than unfortunate haircuts, many people also fall into a self-criticism spiral after a relationship deteriorates, and they start looking for fixes to what they presume caused the problems. Let yourself soak in the message that there’s nothing wrong with you and nothing to fix. You can always find someone else who fits the bill if that is what you want, and they will love you just as you are.

Do Look Gorgeous

Make yourself more enticing for your ex by becoming more handsome or beautiful. Your Ex will see you a whole new way, and they will never see you the same way in the relationship they had with you. It doesn’t matter whether you get professional makeup or go to a boutique for this. That makes them see you in a better light, looking more astounding than you did before.

Don’t Blame Yourself

There is no point in always being the one. There is no point in always being the one with special treatment. You believe that something you did cause your ex to treat you badly, not something they did. In your mind, the way they treated you will continue to be the way they treat others. How your ex treats you can cause you to question your character.

You do not allow yourself to feel this way. How they treated you during their interactions with you was a reflection of their journey and their growing experiences. You had no meaning to them in terms of your worth, value, or anything else to your ex.

Do trust in move on

Although the end of the relationship may still be a painful memory, you are moving on, whether it is true or not. You tell yourself you are moving on each time the thought of your ex-boyfriend pops into your head. If you fall into contact with your ex, do not flirt in his presence or display a new prospect in an attempt to make him jealous. Smiling and saying hello are better ways to show him that you are moving forward with your life. You will eventually believe it and realize you have achieved what you set out to do.

Don’t Regret

Your relationship with them has ended for whatever reason. Perhaps the decision was mutual, or perhaps it wasn’t, but either way, it probably worked out the way it should have. You may want to share their success with them, but it’s not your job to support them anymore. Take the lessons that your relationship has taught you and use them to propel yourself forward.

Do Check Your Process of Healing

You need to heal if you are bothered by the ex’s treatment of someone else more than he or she treated you. To heal the wounds left by the relationship and subsequent breakup, you need to dig deep into your feelings. Your past is something you have to reconcile with and you have to forgive yourselves for the role you played in those relationships. It is likely you must also forgive that person who was unable or unwilling to meet our needs at that time. You work on letting go of our baggage and getting it out of your system.

Don’t Spread Rumor or Lies

It’s not a good idea to spread malicious rumors about your ex after a breakup. However, you can discuss how painful the breakup has been with close friends. You may express your feelings openly. Relationships usually end with hostility or anger. It is important to express these feelings healthily.

Don’t have any Unhealthy Habit

When you break up with someone, it’s a very difficult time in your life. Transitions disrupt your routine and cause you to lose focus. Set up your new routine as soon as you are ready. Even though you may be feeling emotionally exhausted after a breakup, taking care of yourself physically can help you move on.

  • It is fine to crush an entire tub of ice cream by yourself if that is what you need right now. Just be mindful that it doesn’t become a habit.
  • It is okay to hide in your bed all day watching Netflix if that’s what you need right now.

Do Endure Pain

When you break up with someone, you may try to avoid the pain and hurt because it is just too devastating. However, avoiding it will not allow you to recover from the relationship. You should not expect your emotions to unfold in an organized, formulaic way. These feelings may occur unexpectedly and in an unplanned fashion. Embrace and experience your range of emotions, from sadness to hurt to anger to frustration to celebration to fear.

Don’t stay at home all the time

In the aftermath of a breakup, it is all too easy to wallow in self-pity and check your phone every moment in hopes that your ex will text, pleading to start fresh. Keeping yourself busy after a breakup is generally considered a good strategy. Take a few minutes every day to do at least two and up to five things that will make you feel good and help you fill your time. Soon, you will have so many new things that you love and are passionate about you won’t even have time to think about your former life.

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