The 7 Stages of a Break Up: Grief & How to Move On?

In this article, we will see the 7 stages of a break-up! Sorrow is an omnipresent occurrence. Everyone may have at least one experience with grief at some point. It might be the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, the termination of a relationship, or any other change that disrupts your life as you know it.

Breakup is also a highly personal experience, and it is neither particularly nor linear. It does not adhere to any timetables or schedules. You might cry, become angry, withdraw, or feel empty. None of these are odd or incorrect. Everyone comes through breakups in unique ways, although there are certain similarities in the phases and order of sensations experienced throughout bereavement.

If you are having trouble getting over a breakup, be kind to yourself. In breakups, like losing a loved one or a treasured pet, you may experience intense feelings, including grief and depression. That is normal, and you may give yourself plenty of time to grieve to get over this breakup truly. Knowing what to expect at each step of the breakup recovery process might make it easier to seek help from friends and family when required and may serve as a reminder to be gentle with yourself.

What are the Stages of a Break-Up?

You may have known for months or years that this breakup would happen, but you were still caught off guard. Regardless of how things appeared in the lead-up, now that the breakup has occurred, you may be overwhelmed, immobilized, and haunted by fear, loss, and despair about living without this person.

stages of a break up grief how to move on
Stages of a break up grief how to move on

The Break stages may frequently occur all at once or in changing orders at different times during the letting process.

The following are some of the stages you may expect to go through when you experience to break up or grief:-

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#Break Up Stages 1: Desperations for answers

Desperation to know certain answers after a breakup is natural and can overwhelm sensible thoughts and behaviors. First, however, it would help if you comprehended why this occurred, which may be beyond anyone’s explanation.

You obsess on things your ex said at different times that you see as contradicting the split, and you cling on to them as if they were gospel. Yet you know, you, too, have times of clarity within about the breakup. You may alternate between foggy disbelief, daily, moment-by-moment rediscovery of the magnitude of the loss, and flashes of painful clarity of the fact that, of course, it is over.

Pain, confusion, and disorder can become all you think about or discuss. But, at first, you are driven to figure out what happened at whatever cost. But, then, the need to make sense of something so mysteriously pushes you to argue with friends, family, coworkers, and even strangers about why the relationship ended while justifying to them why it should not have as if convincing them are the same as convincing your ex.

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#Break Up Stages 2: Denying the obvious

“It is not possible. That is not going to happen!” You may feel that; you cannot live without your ex. It may appear to you that; despite investing everything you have in this connection, you fail. The relationship is all you care about, and now it has come to an end, and you cannot do anything to rescue it. You cannot accept that it is all over between you and your partner.

As you cope with the reality of what has happened, you may get an idea that; shock and denial are closely linked to each other. Although you keep looking for information related to your past relationships, you may hyper-focus on things like, ‘your exclaimed they will love you forever, or they promised you both were going on vacation together.’

In the denial stage, people bring up all sorts of things their partner said that they thought suggested the continuation of their relationship. “They keep fighting about why that your ex-partner should not have broken up with them,” and that thinking usually leads to denial.

Denial can include convincing yourself that your partner did not mean it or that they may alter their mind. “We are also attempting to justify it with our logical brain, but things do not always make sense in the denial and shock phase.”

You pour every last inch of hope into rescuing it, even if it means risking your health. You put off your desire to mourn its demise because it is too painful to bear. You temporarily delay the grief process by substituting it with overly inflated hope that the relationship can still be rescued.

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#Break Up Stages 3: Bargaining with yourself

In the next breakup stage, you may be willing to go to any altitude to avoid realizing that it is ended. As a result, you choose to be better, more attentive, and more confident. You may choose to make right everything that has gone wrong. The prospect of being apart from your ex is so unbearable that you may go to any length to gain your ex back in your life.

Of course, you are not logical at this point (and you may probably avoid driving heavy machinery). You may feel like you are standing on the top of a ridge of what appears to be a chasm, struggling not to plunge into the unknown. You cling to any hope you can find to avoid losing what you have grown to rely on, for better or worse.

We may consider all the ‘what-ifs,’ and you may want to blame yourselves for where the relationship went wrong frequently. At this time, individuals think a lot about the ‘if only,’ according to the experts. The experts also add that you may want to put up with things you were not familiar with before because you are experiencing such a need to be with that person.

However, at this stage, when you promise to fix all the problems in your relationship, you are taking on a whole load of fixing, maintaining, and sustaining a relationship. It is as though the duty for making it work this time is entirely yours and yours alone.

During the bargaining stage, try not to lose sight of the reality that both parties in the relationship contributed to separations. You cannot possibly be held accountable for everything in a relationship, and you are aware of it somewhere deep within yourself.

Bargaining can only temporarily distract from the pain of loss. But the reality will always come crashing down on you, over and over again. Furthermore, when you bargain, you are attempting to accept responsibility for why the relationship is failing, which may give you the misconception that you have control over it, continuing the assumption that the relationship can be rescued as long as you continue to perform superhuman actions.

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#Break Up Stages 4: Enrage and fury

After you have gone through the stages of desperation, denial, and bargaining, the reality of the breakup will begin to plunge in. And the person frequently has a lot of hatred overdue to this breakup. Depending on the setting of the relationship, this stage might originate from various sources.

You might not be able to connect with your anger sentiments at first. You were breaking up throws you into the unknown, which can cause paralyzing fear and despair. At that time, anxiety smashes over anger. As a result, when rage arises, it is because you have briefly let go of some of your anxiety.

When you can access your anger, the experience can be empowering; at the very least, there are shades of remembering a few matters of feeling explained, which may help you understand what you deserve more from that relationship. Your anger may be aimed at your partner in that situation or maybe yourself, depending on your temperament, life and family experiences, and your split.

The good news is that your anger, no matter where it is aimed, is intended to strengthen you, whether you choose to believe it or not. When you gain access to your rage, it can provide direction and generate a sense of aliveness in a world that has become deadened by your loss of getting separated from someone you love. It might also remind you that you are worthy of someone more sensible.

Even though it is overwhelming and self-defeating, anger against yourself is a component of the grieving process. The fact that you are grieving the loss is an indication that you are working through it. It signals that you are causing enough internal suffering to adjust your perception of how the relationship has been, and it might push you to make proactive changes if you are willing to let it.

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#Break Up Stages 5: Despair and sorrow

The real mournful process will begin once the anger has reduced. You can gradually recognize the truth of the breakup at this moment, although you may not have realized that it is over. It is perfectly normal and expected to grieve for your loss of a healthy relationship. After all, you not only lose your partner, but you also lose the person you were with for so long or, at the very least, the way your partner made you feel.

According to the experts, maybe you are mourning the loss of the certainty that the relationship gave in terms of plans, mutual friends, and everything else you two shared at a time. Experts also have observed; that this might lead to emotions of melancholy, emptiness, and boredom. Self-doubt and despair, as well as loneliness and abandonment, can all seep in.

That is a very challenging stage to navigate, but the good news is that after you begin processing your feelings of sadness and despair, you will be able to begin healing and moving on. Leaning on your support network, prioritizing your own needs and self-care, and even consulting with a mental health expert can help you through this challenging time.

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#Break Up Stages 6: Initial Adoption

Congratulation! The light at the end of the tunnel has finally appeared for you. When you begin to accept the breakup, you begin to feel more optimistic, and you may even begin to see that the relationship was not the ideal one for you. Acceptance can range from cold-blooded resignation to sincere hope and moving past someone.

It is the type of blessing; it can feel more like surrender when it occurs early in the process. You keep your half of the bargain because you have to, not because you want to. At this time, either you or your ex has grown enough awareness and control to recognize that you are not destined to be together.

It is important to realize the acceptance stage because it may not always be a straight line. You may feel quite settled about it at times, and when ignored, you are straight back in denial or bargaining stage.

However, you may know you are at the acceptance stage when you feel yourself letting go and psychologically disengaging from this person. Your behavior will reflect because you may initially start thinking about yourself as an individual rather than considering or thinking about your ex all the time. And, as the experts put it, you can see new beginnings, hope, and the knowledge that there might be someone else out there, and your ex was not the only fish in this world.

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#Break Up Stages 7: Shifted ambition

The breakup may knock you down, and you may have trouble letting go because it damages your relationship with optimism. However, moving ahead demands the diversion of your sentiments of hope as the acceptance deepens from the belief that you can fix a failing relationship on your own to the possibility that you can be okay without your ex-partner.

When you are forced to shift your hope from the known entity of the relationship into the depth of the unknown, it becomes disturbing. However, there may be a chance to redirect the vital energy of hope. However, hope is somewhere lurking within your subconscious mind, and you will regain access to it as you maintain some substantial space between yourself and your ex.

The stages of mourning that follow any event, including breakups, can evolve in minutes or even seconds, over days, months, or years, and then switch around without any notice, which may leave you feeling unsupported, especially in the beginning. You may feel detached from yourself or cut off from the rest of the world. However, moving on in life, as any emotional detachment requires:-

  • Learning to live without that part of yourself.
  • You are finding ways to compensate for your ex’s absence.
  • And you are reestablishing your self-confidence.

Acknowledge that there is a technique and a structure to this messy griefing technique. Knowing that you are not alone can help you get through it. Your suffering is part of the human condition; without it, we may not be aware of how we need to deal with the numerous sorrows and losses that come in our lives.

As the despair and sorrow process evolves, you may begin to see your way to a point where you may let go more proactive and self-protective. Maybe a way that you finally come to see as a fresh beginning.

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Do’s and Don’ts during the stages of breakup

Things to do

  • Treat yourself to calming treatments such as meditation or long walks to distract yourself from the grief of breaking up.
  • Consider trying to open up to a trusted friend or journal to start releasing concerns, identifying illogical thinking, and more.
  • Get regular showers and treat yourself nicely and try to indulge in finding a reason to face the day.
  • Write or speak about your rage. Try not to bottle up your frustration. It may cause other critical issues.
  • Make a self-love list that includes what makes you happy and what you desire for the future. It may help you divert your attention from sorrows and despair.
  • Surround yourself with people who are cheerful and full of happiness. That may help you regain your happiness too.
  • Acknowledge yourself once you ultimately moved on from your breakup sorrows.

 Things not to do

  • Try not to freak out at the breakup news. That will gradually make sense to you once you pass these breakup stages.
  • Do not underestimate the situation. Pretending your breakup is not a big deal can keep you emotionally numb and deserted.
  • Do not indulge in self-pity by surrendering to irrational thoughts such as “No one will ever love me again.” or other relatable thoughts like that.
  • Consider not to trying to act depending on your rage. It may result in something serious.
  • Consider not indulging in thoughts about how you can reestablish your relationship with your ex.
  • Do not engage in harmful activities such as binge eating or excessive drinking.
  • Do not be surprised if you still experience sadness from time to time; it is natural. However, follow that path, and gradually you will reach your satisfaction.

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Tips for Recovering from a Break-Up Situation

Reestablish your confidence

If your partner prompted the breakup, it is natural to monitor your physical appearance and personality attributes. First, wonder what is wrong with you that would cause someone to fall out of love with you. Then, reverse that thought process instead. Rather than focusing on what traits you do not have, focus on what you value in yourself and what you brought to the relationship.

If you are stuck for ideas, turn to your closest friends and family, who will gladly reveal why they consider themselves blessed to have you in their lives.

Try visiting new places

According to experts, find a new coffee shop or restaurant once a week and invite at least one person to accompany you. That allows you to shake up your regular pattern and go away from the places you normally went with your ex-partner.

You are less likely to be overwhelmed by bad memories, and it may also be an opportunity to spend quality time with wonderful companions. You might not have seen as much when in a relationship with your ex.

Consider a realistic walkthrough

When your mind wanders and you start recalling all the good moments you and your former partner had, you probably forget about the bad part. In other words, make a point of including the bad because your mind will only emphasize the positive.

Remembering what the entire relationship was like can help you look for a new scenario that does not have the same drawbacks.

You can see a nice video on Break up stages

List all their negative aspects

Allow yourself to indulge your cruel inner kid for a moment. Then, note all the ways this your ex-partner was not good for you. Think about every annoying trait your ex-partner had and all the compromises you had to make in the relationship.

Keep that list on your phone, so you may refer to it whenever you think they’re great. Of course, it is normal to romanticize both the individual and the connection. However, keeping the features that drive you insane can also help you remove your rose-colored glasses when looking for a new partner.

Care for your well-being

You may not feel like going to bed and waking up regularly, showering, leaving the house, or cooking in the days immediately following the split.

It is okay to allow yourself a little freedom. Keeping to a regular pattern, on the other hand, might bring structure and regularity to your days. In addition, it might help to cope with your sadness a little easier.

Taking care of your physical requirements provides you with the energy you require to heal yourself. Encourage yourself to eat healthily, exercise, and get enough sleep. It can make a significant difference in your mood.

Maintain a balanced point-of-view

Try to look at the relationship and its issues objectively as you process the breakup. Placing all the blame for the split on yourself or your ex is unlikely to help your healing process.

In fact, instead of dismissing or ignoring your sentiments, remind yourself that it’s okay to love your ex still. Allow yourself the time and space to properly experience your emotions. A notebook is an excellent location to convey your feelings regarding the breakup and any lingering feelings. Then you may try switching to a more positive distraction.


Though it’s an experience of grief whenever we get detached or got break up with the dearest one, here, we have learned the basic steps of break up stages. Any doubt, please write to us!

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