13 Things You Should Still Do For Your Girlfriend even after Dating For a While

Despite their intricate beauty, girls have uniquely created the works of God. Despite their hormonal imbalances, they are inarguably lovable, even if sometimes hard to understand.  To maintain a happy and healthy relationship with your girlfriend, make sure that you provide her with the basic things that she needs.

You might be seeking ways to improve the relationship you have with someone you’ve been dating for a while, with someone you live with, or with somebody you are long-married with. The maintenance of thriving relationships requires work, contrary to holiday romances or romantic comedies in which conflicts are resolved after a few days.

Keep your girl, your love close to your heart, and never take them for granted. It does not give you the right to abuse her because you know she will always be there. If you want to ignore her or pretend she doesn’t exist for some time, you can do so whenever you want.

Now is the time to discuss the most important aspects of your relationship, but don’t let her get so far away that you won’t be able to get her back.

13 Things to Do to Your Long Time Girlfriend

Send her Romantic Text

Make sure she knows you miss her by sending her sweet messages and telling her that she is on your mind. Make sure she knows she is on your mind by sending her sweet messages. You can arrange for it when you are in between working shifts or when your partner is waiting for you at home.

things do your girlfriend even after dating romantic messages text
Things do your girlfriend even after dating romantic messages text Image: www.fashioncluba.com

Make her feel wanted and sexually attractive by making her feel wanted and enticing.

Never forgot to give your partner a Kiss

It is important that you kiss her goodnight as well as good morning whenever you leave her even if she is still asleep. If you stop kissing her goodnight and good morning, everything starts to deteriorate. Each time you greet and leave her, kiss her just like you do at goodnight and good morning.

It is always a good idea to show affection to your partner because you never know when things might happen. Be sure to give your partner a random kiss as well.

Take her to Shopping

You may be aware that men generally dislike shopping unless it involves hardware, gadgets, or boxer shorts. It is every girl’s dream that her man will occasionally show a little thoughtfulness by shopping for her.

You don’t have to do anything extravagant or grand, but if you stopped by a shop and bought our favorite chocolate, a dessert to serve for dinner, or lingerie you thought was pretty, she will appreciate it.

things do your girlfriend even after dating take her to shopping
Things do your girlfriend even after dating take her for shopping

The contents of her shopping bag don’t matter as much to her as the thought behind it. You’d get a big tick on the good boyfriend checklist if you thought of her when you were out and about and stopped to get something you know she’d like.

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Show your Love to her

There is no doubt in her mind that you love her. When you have been together for a while, these three words may seem routine. It just brightens up her day when her man says it as if he means it. The desire for romance is deeply ingrained in all girls, regardless of how long they’ve been together. As well as strengthening the relationship, it gives her a feeling of love and security.

Say those three words with eight letters as you hold her hand and look into her eyes. Relationships revolve around this simple rule. It won’t take much of a dent in your wallet for you to tell her how much you love her and how special she is to you.

Date her

It’s not just flowers or a sweet gesture that makes the special dates memorable, but what you do to keep them in your memory. It’s important to stay on top of dating so that you don’t get so comfortable with each other that you forget to date. Make a date night out of it, and do something for just the two of you every week. Don’t let your romance die.

Don’t stop being friends with your best friend when you date them. Be supportive of her as much as possible. Give her support by confiding in her and sharing everything with her. Make sure you can rely on each other when you’re up against the whole world.

Surprise Her

You can surprise her when she gets back by doing something for her that she was supposed to do when she gets back if she is out and has some free time. The simplest thing you can do is to wash her dishes or prepare a meal for her. Love is often expressed through the smallest of things.

You shouldn’t stop doing small things for her because even the little things count. It would be nice if you sent her love notes, or if you bought her a burger on your way home, or maybe if you fixed something she owed you.

Every now and then, pick up a small something on the way to meet her, whether it’s flowers, food, or something silly. Almost no effort is required to make your girlfriend feel appreciated by doing this for her.

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Take care of your body

Just because you’re in a comfortable relationship doesn’t mean you should stop caring for your body. You should keep exercising and eating healthy even if you are no longer looking. It is for your own good as well as that of your loved ones.

The importance of exercise is universally acknowledged, but having your partner at your side makes running that extra lap even more enjoyable. You are not only supporting each other as your bodies challenge each other to lift more or run faster, but your bodies are also working together when the endorphins are being released.

After your workout, all those happy post-exercise feelings will be associated with each other. It’s a surefire way to feel closer to the other person when you see them drenched in sweat and like them more.

Regular Physical Intimacy

Your hands were probably all over her when you first started dating, so don’t stop touching her just because you’re used to each other. It is important to keep the love alive, and if it feels repetitive, try new things.

Take a moment to sniff her hair while you give her a warm hug. You will show her your boyfriend is always missing her.

things do your girlfriend even after dating touches her
Things do your girlfriend even after dating touches her

That’s just what you would do & do not use the excuse as a pretext for foreplay; cuddle her and caress her. It shouldn’t even cross your mind to cuddle with your girlfriend. Feel-good chemicals will be released by you and your girlfriend, making you both feel great.

Massage Her

A massage is deeply relaxing for a girl in a way that most guys completely overlook. You just need to place your hands on her shoulders, and she will smile with gratitude. Don’t forget to give your girlfriend a spa gift card or a spa day pass.

If you just leave her with a spa pass, she might as well play video games at home. Take advantage of this time for relaxation by going to the spa together. Relax in the steam room, get a massage, or enjoy a facial as a couple.

Spend Quality Time

The importance of this factor in a relationship can’t be overstated. Don’t forget to free up some time for her no matter how hectic or busy your schedule is. Spend time together doing things you will remember, even if they are simple. Open communication is crucial to having quality time spent together.

Also Read: How to Date with an Insecure Man?

Make Her Smile

It is a sign that you are doing well if a girl smiles and laughs at you. A girl feels comfortable when she laughs. You can make her happy with your jollity and ensure she has a wonderful time with you. Using the circumstances around you to make your girl laugh is the key.

things do your girlfriend even after dating make her smile
Things do your girlfriend even after dating make her smile
  • You can also tease her or tell funny stories if you want to make her laugh.
  • Maintaining the glow in your relationship is essential in a busy life. Having fun together is important.
  • Find out what you both enjoy doing and talk about it. It’s possible to explore new places, discover things together, go on an adventurous trip together, or do whatever you want with your relationship.

Listen & Compliment Her

When she talks to you, pay attention to her what she says. It is not unusual for girls only to need someone they can talk to about life. It will be a pleasure to talk to her about that. Complements make girls feel appreciated, so they love receiving them.

You should therefore compliment her when you notice something nice about her. Whether you admire her beautiful smile, love her new outfit, or love her scent, let her know you love her.

When she does something special or thoughtful for you, never forget to say thank you or show your appreciation. All her efforts will be rewarded with a thank you if she receives a simple thank you.

Let her make you handsome

The majority of girls have an opinion about your style, whether they like it or not. Give in on a date night and let her show you how she likes to get dressed. Take it a step further and let her pick out an outfit for you, too.

Regardless of whether she styles your hair and beard in exactly your favorite way, it isn’t worth the hassle for one night to know that she’s crazy about the way you look.

13 Things to Maintain a Good Relationship with Your Girlfriend

Learn to forgive her

Make sure your problem is fixed before the day is over. Rather than ending the argument too soon, wait until both sides have had enough, then decide together that everything is over. In order to maintain a good relationship with her, you must learn to forgive each other.

Make Appreciation

Express your appreciation outright for everything she does for you, especially if she prepares meals for you. Whenever she aids you in any way, be grateful to her and acknowledge her efforts.

The things she wears, the way her makeup is applied, or how her hair is cut should all be taken into account. Being physical is not necessary to appreciate someone. You can also praise her achievements at school, work, and at school, or you can point out how brave she is emotional.

Support her at any cause

Your aim should be to make her achieve her dreams, to let her know you are happy and proud of her accomplishments, to applaud her success, to be present at important events, to boost her confidence when she is struggling, and to be thoughtful when complimenting her.

You should show her that you’re completely into her and that her physical appearance does not dictate your feelings for her. Your daily love will remind her of your dedication to her, and you’ll be there to offer support whenever she needs it.

Be Positive

Your girlfriend may also feel your bad mood if you’re in a bad mood. Try to stay positive, even if it may not be possible. Be positive and try to find solutions to each problem. Let her see that you are thinking positively and are happy as you approach each challenge.

You should avoid saying something painful that you will regret later. You may find it difficult to do this, especially when you are very angry, but always keep in mind that it will jeopardize your relationship. The easiest way to keep your relationship intact is to walk away from the argument or remain silent until you have cooled down.


Taking more drastic steps like being unfaithful can end a relationship, so be honest and upfront, even if it makes you appear bad in the eyes of others. You should let your girl know if you did something wrong sooner rather than later. If she doesn’t trust you due to your previous acts, try to demonstrate to her that you’ve changed and apologize for your past actions.

Be Loyal

There is more to loyalty than just thinking about your girlfriend all the time. Loyalty also involves supporting and being loyal to those you care about. You’re loyal to your girlfriend when you’re on her team. The best thing you can do for your girlfriend is to tell her what she’s doing wrong or to encourage her to fight for what she wants.

You want her to make the right decision because you are loyal to her. Being concerned about her well-being and playing an active role in her life as her boyfriend means having a genuine concern for her.

Take Decision Jointly

Whenever you make a decision, ask her opinion, invite her to join you and your family, or offer to join her in her social life. Your relationship goes beyond just being a couple. Using your joint success as motivation, discipline, and support for each other will help you get through the tough times.

Be Prepare for Tough Times

Keeping your relationship stable will not only allow it to feel stable but will also demonstrate commitment from each other. If you can, acknowledge that you are going through tough times in your relationship in the future and don’t ignore them.

Make sure you and your girlfriend have a hard talk about how things have been and how you want to move forward.

Don’t argue in Public

Respecting each other is one way to show respect. Whenever possible, do not argue with your girlfriend in front of your family or friends. It’s okay to disagree, just do it behind closed doors. An argument between couples is awkward for all of us, and no one likes to see it.

Respect your girlfriend’s Boundaries

You respect your girlfriend’s boundaries because her needs will most likely differ from your own. It’s important to pay attention to her, to ask her questions about her boundaries, and then to discuss them together.

There is no need to see each other every day if you want to stay close. Regardless of whether she’s a girlfriend or not, you do not have any control over her.

  • You want to leave your girlfriend alone when she is upset.
  • She doesn’t like it when you text her constantly.
  • If you’re apart at night, she doesn’t like it if you call her.
  • Certain topics or ways of arguing are not comfortable topics for them to discuss with you. You can use the answers to these questions to help you understand your partner’s boundaries and avoid crossing them in the future.
  • Don’t be afraid to let her be alone, to spend time with her family, to hang out with friends who don’t cause trouble, and to respect her time at work.

Apologize Her

You should apologize to your girlfriend immediately when you make a mistake. This applies to even the most trivial of mistakes. It’s important to make her feel cared for & Make sure you are sincere. Make sure you correctly spell sorry if you ask for forgiveness through text or chat messages.

Take a leave when your girlfriend is sick

In case she’s very ill or has a medical or dental emergency, make sure she stays at home or takes her to the doctor. Although she can take care of herself, occasionally it is nice to have someone watch over you & this is also what she believes.

The two of you probably have a lot of fun things to do together, but if you want to impress her, plan her a date that revolves around her.

Make a list of your likeness to her

There is no need to be long, cheesy, or intimate in your list of things you like about a girl. As simple as placing a note on her desk telling her that you enjoy the way she laughs, the way she sees, and the way she generously gives of herself.

She feels great after doing it because it’s simple but highly effective. She can find the note if you leave it somewhere or you can text it to her.

Key Tips to Give Your Girlfriend a Special Feeling

There may be a reason you are seeking ways to make her feel special than giving her sweet things. Regardless of what else you’re up to, it shows her that you’re interested in romancing her.

  • You should always start planning your girlfriend’s birthday early if her birthday is approaching. You can show her how important she is to you by getting her that extra special gift. 
  • You can come up with all kinds of romantic things to say to your girlfriend, for now, if you’re just trying to communicate with her. If you plan on referring to these words in the future, it is worthwhile for you to read through them.
  • You can help your relationship grow and flourish by asking your girlfriend some meaningful questions. You can experience a deep bond with your girlfriend as you share your secrets and truths with your girlfriend.
  • Despite her sweatpants, keep telling her she looks beautiful and sexy. She should look beautiful to you no matter what she’s wearing. It is impossible to emphasize enough the importance of complimenting her and showing her just how beautiful she is to you.
  • There’s something magical about candles that makes everything more romantic. So, if you’re feeling up to it, you can cook her dinner inside, but light a few candles on the table to make it smell nice.
  • You will receive respect if you show respect. You should always treat your girl like a princess and be chivalrous towards her. You will impress her with your courteous side and you will satisfy her even with a simple act.


Hence, we have got a basic idea about 13 Things You Should Still Do For Your Girlfriend even after Dating For a While and to be happy.

Any questions, please write to us!

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