How to Stop Thinking About Someone? 25 Best Tips

Friends, although it is sad but do you want to know how to stop thinking about someone? You may probably encounter someone who makes you feel strong emotions at some point in your life. Maybe with someone who is your dearest friend. Perhaps that someone is your ex, who at a time you loved but somehow got split. We may get separated from our special ones, and all that is left is their thoughts.

It is a harsh reality, but the person we like may or may not feel the same way, and unfortunately, we have nothing to do. However, as appealing as cherishing this concept may be in the future, it is ineffective right now. You may want to stop thinking too much about someone you miss right now because no matter how hard you try, they are always on your mind. So, here are a few tips to make you stop thinking about your special ones.

How to Stop Thinking About Someone?

You may have your motives for wanting to forget about someone. However, while there are many reasons to quit missing someone, the methods are all the same.

tips on how to stop thinking about someone
Tips on how to stop thinking about someone

Here are the most effective yet simple methods for stopping missing someone while determining where you are going wrong. Try each one at a time, and you may be on your way to rediscovering yourself in no time.

1# Make decisions

What do you want to do with your life? Do you want to act as if they don’t exist, or do you simply want to stop worrying about them? Sometimes all you need is clarity to move forward and face reality. Be specific about what you want and be sincere in your thought process.

2# Know that you are eligible for love

Many relationship specialists believe that we make ourselves stories about how something about ourselves prevents us from receiving love. “This myth that we hold causes us to execute cycles of sorrow for ourselves and others.” They continue, “and individuals who cannot accept and love us for whom we exacerbate the problem.”

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3# Strive to develop and accept yourself

It is important to focus on liking and accepting yourself, especially the parts of ourselves that we are ashamed of. We become romantically and s*xually attracted to available, kind, and good people to the extent that we embrace and appreciate those. However, the Elements of ourselves do not simply accept them but genuinely treasure, dignify and cherish them!

4# Avoid romanticizing your thoughts

Yes, you may have a crush on someone, and you may have the impression that they were flawless in every manner. Perhaps you even believed the two of you would end up together and have many s*x or children.

However, as you reflect, you can realize that there are numerous aspects of them and you that may sound incompatible. So, rather than live in a fantasy world, strive to think realistically.

5# Try to find closure

Do not brush off the rejection or completely forget about the person. It will only make you feel worse if you suppress it. Accept the fact that you were rejected instead. Spend a day or two alone inspecting it, and when your mind is overloaded with ideas, let it go and move on with your life.

You may need closure if you want to learn how to quit thinking about someone you like or miss. However, you do not need to communicate with them to receive closure. Instead, logically inspecting things in your head is the best approach to obtaining closure.

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6# Do not pretend you are fine

Do not act as if you do not care about your special someone. Do not act as if you are unaffected. Also, do not try to forget about your special someone.

Instead, concentrate on strategies to avoid being harmed by it. Face the concept, accept your loss, and process it in your mind.

7# Determine the reason for your over thinking

Ask yourself why you attempted and failed to divert your thoughts away from someone. Unflinchingly examining this question can explain why you are still stuck on them and possibly lead to a solution.

Assume you had a strong attraction to a classmate but never had the opportunity to ask them out. You have spent a lot of time now visualizing yourself having the conversation.

It may be easy to get caught up in unfulfilled dreams, but what if you could still communicate through social media or mutual friends? Unfortunately, maybe your crush rejects you or says yes, but the date is a disaster.

Having a clear outcome might help you put those ideas behind you and move on in either case.

8# Keep distance from your special someone

If possible for you, avoid making contact with them. It is time for you to get better. And conversing with your crush or stalking them on social media will make you feel worse.

Consider this phase to be a healing wound. You know it will resolve; now, all you have to do is give it time. If you nurture it, the injury will only become worse. However, your skin will feel as wonderful as new after a while.

Learning how to quit thinking about someone is similar. It is all about keeping that portion of your aching heart from being permanently damaged or scarred while it heals.

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9# Lean on your friends and family for help

Spend time with the individuals in your life who motivate and inspire you. It may not only divert your attention from your problems, but it may also remind you of how good it feels to be surrounded by people who care about you.

We need to turn to the people who know and love us for guidance on avoiding repeating patterns of reaching out to someone who is not available and is not beneficial for us.

10# Question yourself; whether and why that someone is special to you

According to a relationship therapist’s opinion, ask yourself, “What exactly does the person mean to you?” they can assist.

You may want to ask yourself, “Did my actual encounter with this person satisfy its supposed meanings?” The response can be both yeah and no, according to the therapist. It is normal for people to romanticize their past experiences and cherish those beautiful memories.

11# Focus your attention on someone else

Finding someone or something else to think about is the quickest and most effective approach to quit thinking about someone. Instead, start worrying about someone else to create a distraction. It may make a huge difference.

It does not matter if the person is a celebrity or a social media influencer. Instead, focus on obtaining a harmless crush to reintroduce a small amount of excitement into your life.

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12# Logically thinking about the facts

It is not commonplace to construct people as extremes, especially when more realistic memories have faded with time.

People are more complex than black and white, good and bad. However, memory prejudices could increase your chances of calling fantastic or horrible things on more trivial daily features or experiences.

These exaggerated perceptions can quickly take over your mental space, making it even more challenging to let go. However, you can get rid of them by gently guiding your recollections back to the domain of hard realities.

  • You cannot get over your ex, ask yourself, and consider what made them so special. Laying out the particular features that drew you to your special one can help you understand. Finding people with comparable attributes may not be as tough as you think.
  • Find proof to back up or disapprove romanticized notions like they never let you down, they always knew what to say, or they are so nasty, they only care about making me unhappy. When you dig through your recollections, you may certainly find a couple that changes your perspective to a more natural shade of grey.
  • If you cannot shake the feeling that your coworker is out to get you, try to create other interpretations for their actions. Maybe they are going through a rough patch. Perhaps they treat everyone with the same acerbic wit. Taking a step back from an emotional perspective can help you avoid taking someone’s behavior personally, making it easier to dismiss.

13# Try to enlight your spirit

Finding other ways to trigger that physiological high is helpful. Finding happiness may be a way to escape the dopamine loop. Select an activity that is beneficial to you. Spending time with a funny friend, going to an exercise class, or working with animals are all possibilities to distract yourself.

According to experts, staying mentally active and happy can also be beneficial in another way. For example, It keeps you rooted in the present reality. In this way, your brain will be too preoccupied to focus on your special one, ruminating ideas, and their hold on you gradually weakens.

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14# Resist yourself from reaching out

Rather than acting on impulse when you sense the want to reach out, get curious about the feelings surfacing for you. Do you have a sense of loneliness? Try channeling that energy into something more beneficial, such as a fast walk or run or some yoga. The expert reveals, “The most difficult relationships to overcome are usually the most bothersome.” “We always want to go back and fix things, but that is usually a horrible idea.”

15# Avoid putting yourself in uneasiness

It is simple to enjoy the feeling of suffering or to push yourself to suffer from poor self-esteem. Instead, if you have to, laugh at yourself, feel stupid about it all, and try to find humor in the simple things.

To remind yourself of how it feels to laugh, watch humorous videos, memes, or comedy movies or shows. In simple words, distract yourself by doing something that makes you happy and enjoy your self-company.

16# Try not to stalk your special one

Social media has made stalking ex-boyfriends and crushes a lot easier. It may appear to be a blessing, yet it is still a curse, especially for people getting over their past relationships. Unfortunately, you may never be able to move on unless you keep all information about your special one away from you.

At first, it may seem impossible, but stalking your special one makes you more miserable and unstable. So make up your mind, strengthen your willpower and consider enjoying your life.

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17# Give value to yourself and your decisions

Perhaps you were suffocated and treated like garbage by your “special one.” Perhaps your crush has no regard for you and is unconcerned about your feelings. And yet still, you run after your special one.

Do you believe you have enough self-respect? Why would you further disgrace yourself by obsessing over someone who does not worth any more of your time or attention? Ask yourself the above questions, and you may see how much you have lowered your self-esteem. Maybe it is time to give some respect to yourself and value to your thoughts. Consider yourself worthy of love and affections, and maintain some personality. Perhaps it is time to let them go.

18# Indulge in things to make yourself satisfy

What would you like to do that you are not currently doing? You have waited so long that it is a fantastic time to try something new. Pick a new activity or place to visit and give it a shot. Join a club or take a class. If you enjoy art, visit a museum you have never seen before. Take up a new form of expression. Mix things up if you like to paint, for example. Try oils or acrylics if you have previously worked with watercolors. You may pursue an interest in the same way: pick a facet of that interest that you’ve never tried before and give it a shot.

Talk to your friends about their hobbies and interests. If you hear of something intriguing, talk to the person about it and learn more about it. They might be able to give you some pointers on how to get started. They could be able to motivate and inspire you. Spending time with pals who are not romantically interested in you is also a great method to get to know yourself better. It is also a terrific time to make new acquaintances and meet new individuals. Don’t go out hunting for a replacement for your crush. Instead, you may seek out encouraging and curious folks about the world.

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19# Express yourself by writing journals

Meditation is not for everyone, so do not be discouraged if it does not work for you. In the beginning, other approaches can assist you in exploring and accepting someone’s opinions to get them off your mind.

One method is to keep a journal. Unfortunately, many people link journaling with their adolescent years, although it can be beneficial at any age.

Journals provide a private setting for venting grievances and processing challenging feelings. If you write them down, it might even be a little easier to figure out what’s causing your recurrent ideas.

Writing your thoughts down can be helpful for many people. Writing down painful ideas can almost make you feel as if you have placed those thoughts down in a location where they do not bother you anymore.

20# Try healthy diversions

If you employ distraction appropriately, it can help you manage any emotional suffering.

Distraction might be a helpful technique when you are attempting to find momentary relief from unpleasant or disturbing thoughts.

When you cannot change the conditions that are bothering you, distraction can be helpful. However, it should not take the place of acceptance and self-exploration. Instead, you’ll usually need to address reoccurring thoughts at their source to resolve them correctly.

In brief, it may serve as an excellent short-term coping approach as long as you don’t use distraction to reject emotions and experiences.

Instead of allowing your mind to roam where it will, attempt concentrated distraction or refocus your thoughts on something specific.

Here are a few suggestions for valuable distractions:

  • You may select a book and read it.
  • Put some music on.
  • Play a favorite film.
  • Make a phone call to a friend.
  • Go for a walk or a jog.

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21# Try not to blame yourself

It is all too easy to become caught in your grief when someone wrongs you. Maybe you keep thinking about the unfairness, fixating on the pain of betrayal, and imagining everything you could do to make things right. On the other hand, retracing this path usually leads to further sorrow, but forgiveness is a more reliable path to recovery.

One thing that not everyone recognizes about forgiveness is that it is primarily for you. Forgiveness allows you to let go of the wrongs you’ve held close to your heart and go on with a lighter heart.

It may be simpler to forgive when you remember that everyone makes mistakes, and many of them are made with good intentions.

22# Consider therapy

If your crush keeps reappearing in your mind, no matter how far you have progressed in your life, it is time to get professional help. They have discovered new strategies to deal with undesirable ideas and feelings that you would not have thought of on your own. In addition, they can help you explore your feelings and evaluate your thoughts to understand better what is going on and how to move past it.

A therapist maybe not be able to give you a spotless mind full of endless sunshine. Still, they can provide empathetic support as you investigate the reasons behind your inability to move on.

You can discover effective strategies to fight unwelcome thoughts and release their hold on you in therapy, mindfulness practices, and other coping skills.

23# What made it so difficult to end these thoughts about someone?

It is difficult for your mind to accept that it is over. It is far easier to remain in denial and fantasize about your special one. However, even ruminating over a heartache can be strangely pleasant at times. You’re causing pain to yourself, and it is a great experience.

I have been in many relationships, and a few of my relationships ended badly, leaving me in the lurch. I had crushes before that did not work out. And I have fallen head over heels in love with someone knowing she won’t love me back for ridiculous reasons.

Remember, every time you get hurt in a relationship, you might get depressed and may have to face some hard times in the past, but you can learn something valuable every time. As every relationship is unique, you learn about the connections each time your face separates. 

Sometimes it is natural to get obsessed with someone you love or had a crush on, and it is hard to let them go out of your head, but you need to find a way to do so.

24# What made you being obsessed with that special someone?

It is difficult to be neglected by someone you think you love. And it may be excruciatingly difficult to quit thinking about someone when you know it’s not going to work out.

Firstly, it may get challenging to quit thinking about someone because your mind wants to do so. What began as a harmless crush has now evolved into a full-fledged obsession. You used to think about your special someone and wonder how difficult it would be to date your crush.

And now you are putting pressure on yourself to forget about them. So you are not only not allowed to think about your crush, but you are also aware that all of your fancies and dreams will never come true! It is double charming, no matter how you look at it.

25# A few extra tips to forget your special someone:

  • While you are trying to forget about someone with whom you once had a romantic relationship, you might want to avoid any reminders of them until you have come to terms with your feelings. That may entail unfriending this individual on social media, deleting their phone number, and even avoiding their pals, at least temporarily.
  • Reminders and keepsakes (such as pictures, trinkets, and pieces of jewelry related to the individual) can be beneficial if you are trying to forget about a friend or family member you have lost. These items can serve as emotional anchors, providing tangible links to someone who is no longer present. However, it is not good to maintain goods that cause you misery.


Hence, we have learned basic tips on how to stop thinking about someone in detail. Any questions, please let us know!

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