How to Choose Between Two Women? 10 Ways to Make the Right Decision

Now a day, many individuals are lucky enough to fall in love with two women at a time and vice versa. And when it’s time to get serious in their relationships the question always scares an individual, “which woman to choose”. Few will say that loving two women at the same time is a matter of luck but choosing them needs a few customized thought processes.

Though by reading it, you may think that if you could fall into this kind of situation it would be awesome, but believe me it is not. Loving two women at a time for casual purposes is fine but when you came to the point when you need to choose only one woman then it got serious. 

A love triangle can be very much stress when you need to find your ideal partner for the future. It is confirmed that either one of those women is going to get hurt, which makes individuals more stressed. You need to make sure that your decision is proper regarding choosing your women as it can go another way around.

Criteria to Keep in Mind While Deciding Between Two Women

In order to choose between two women with the same amount of love emotion towards you is significantly an issue worthy of deep thought. There are a few things or criteria first you need to develop or think about before jumping right away to a conclusion.

Here are a Few Criteria

Thought About Getting Married and Further

Though I am guessing you have not reached suitable marriage age, still you should first know her opinion about getting married to you in near future and having kids. Notice the reaction of her about you getting married.

how choose between two women ways make right decision
How choose between two women ways make right decision

Observing her reaction will help you imagine your future with her. If for example, you both are not on the same page, then always focus on what you want and deserve from life. If you disagree with her choice then you should back off according to me. Many will advise not to talk about marriage and kids but according to me, you should be clear with your future plans and act accordingly.

In different situations for example, if one or both of your chosen women have kids, then ask a few questions to yourself, do you like their kids? With which one’s kid does you feel more connected? Are you happy and want to be someone’s stepdad? These are a few questions you should be clear with yourself and then make a decision.

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Age Gaps

Yes, some will proudly say that age is just a number, and it can be valid to old age people as they still think of themselves as 20 years old. But, when it comes to starting a serious relationship age can be a serious factor.

Say for example you love a woman with an age of 40 you will possibly have a child fully mature when she is almost 60. Now 60 years is a lot more compared to your when you are 40 years old. And similarly, when you are 60 years old she will be 80 right? So the relationship with age gaps can be problematic for its longevity.

In the young stage loving someone with an age gap of 20+ years seems not to be a big deal but it is a big deal. It will get impossible to handle many situations in those relationships.

Introverts and Extroverts

Introverts are those who are not shy then be friendly but they also seek to have a little bit of alone time. They need to recharge by staying alone for social gatherings. On the other hand, extroverts are not always party people either, but the difference is that Extroverts don’t need to charge themselves sitting alone in the corner.

So let’s assume a situation where you are an introvert and any one of your desired women is an extrovert or vice versa. How will you see yourself engaging with that woman? The answer can be made by following the tips mentioned below.

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10 Tips to Choose Between Two Women

A small child is usually not aware of his or her feelings at that age. He may not make the right judgment about his own criteria relating to compatibility with women. Youngsters generally choose a relationship where compatibility issue occurs. Here are a few tips to help you choose your partner.

Important tips are to be met in order to choose a perfect compatible life partner

Avoid relationships with Fear factors

It is a common mistake most of the person made while choosing their partner. They choose a partner or stay with her in a complicated and unhappy relationship just out of unnecessary fear.

Remember that making a decision in fear is not something trustworthy in any case. Remember that a wrong decision will not end your life rather it will surely get better when you choose someone compatible in your life.

Fear factors in a relationship are just like rust in a ship. When there is a mixture of emotions excluding love then you should avoid the relationship. Fear in relationships can be very much kind of irrelevant for its growth. It hampers your commitment to each other.

When you love someone there should not be any kind of mixture of emotions like fear, anger, lust should not exist. Remember when there is love there cannot be any space for casual physical attraction.

Know them well

If you really love those two women you must have done your research. But if you don’t then before abruptly making a decision you should know from top to bottom about those two women.

This knowledge about them will not only help in choosing the right one but also make you fall in love with the most compatible one. A simple trick to know more about anyone is to ask a simple question, “What they would grab first if their house caught on fire?” This will help in judging their point of view based on their answers.

Knowing them well doesn’t mean judging them according to their physical structure. Always avoid s*xual thinking out of this decision-making. Decisions based on this kind of thought might end your chance to get a perfect woman in your life. This thought process will kindly make you a pervert.

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Friends and Family’s opinion

One can always depend on their parent’s decision as they always want good things for their children. Trustworthy friends can also be helpful in this decision-making. But the final decision is obviously yours as this is your life and you should always have control over it.

Any kind of suggestion is always helpful to you because many times close friends and families notice some factors of you that you may not know.

Maybe your close friends notice some strange behavior change which you are not aware of like, with one girl your feel better and when with another you somehow feel dull. These suggestions sometimes help you make the decision.

While gathering suggestions from friends make sure that he/she knows you and your life situation. Don’t consider any suggestions from anybody until you feel the same while concluding your decision.

Make our minds wide open and allow all suggestions cause you may not see an important factor others saw. If many people have negative feelings about one woman it might be possible that a relationship with that woman is not a compatible one for you. But it’s friendly advice not to make a decision right away without thinking twice or more if required.

Put your Feelings First

It is clear that between two girls one is going to be hurt, so be a little selfish rather than be an indecisive one. And while making this critical decision always make your feelings at top of your priority bar. Your decision should always focus on your life and your feelings about her.

Man up a bit and make a decision thoughtfully. Being a man is not about being an alpha or drinking scotch and growing a beard. To make a strong, complicated decision and face its consequences with full guts is called being a man.

In your life such incidents may occur multiple times, every time your decision should always depend on how you feel about them individually that’s most important. In this situation when you choose one woman it might hurt another but in the long run, it is necessary.

Love yourself first, if you cannot love yourself you cannot love other human beings in life. Though love seems to be complicated but trust me, loving the right person makes relationships special. And getting a perfectly compatible partner is always a blessing. Though nobody is perfect in this world everyone has some backlogs but don’t make it ruin your chance of getting a true love one.

Have Faith in Your Decisions

Love sometimes makes do stupid things but taking any Stupid decision is wrong but taking a decision and not having faith in it is much more wrong. When you love someone and want her to be with you forever then you have to take hard decisions.

Women usually fall in love with a person, who has the power to make some serious life decisions and also to stick to them. Same way when you fall in love with two women at a time, then to take a step up in a relationship you need to leave one. Decisions should be made and it should completely be yours, you can take the help of families or close friends.

After taking a decision always stick to it and have complete faith in the decision. Firstly it may seem worse but believe me, in the long process the situation will get better. Always love yourself and have faith in your decision.

Don’t Worry About Your Decision After it is Made

Avoid any kind of guessing don’t make abrupt and base-less decisions based on your guesses, be absolutely sure about your decision. Be direct and formal about your feelings to the women.

Don’t just only spend your time deciding between those two women. You need to be more specific and fast in having your final decision. As long time you take to make a decision you might end up committing to the wrong woman and lead a relationship with other emotions except for love. After a decision is made try to act accordingly, don’t stress yourself by thinking about the outcome of it. Believe in yourself and in your decisions and remember in this kind of situation one or the other women is supposed to feel bad. But that does not mean that you back off, stick to your decision and in the future, everything will just be fine.

When your decision is made, you might feel something wrong about it, don’t entertain this kind of stressful thought. Give some respect and have some faith in your decision because you might end up changing the one decision that would be perfect for you and your life.

Have a Clear Mindset About Your Future

You should have a clear mindset about your future. You should have a goal and the urge to achieve it in life. If you don’t know what to achieve in the future then automatically your decision regarding choosing women will affect you.

It is not possible to make a hard decision about choosing your life partner when your own life is meaningless, isn’t it? When you choose your own future to be blank you cannot see any lights of hope. You must have a permanent goal in life.

You will lose your imagination skill when your own future is blank. It is impossible to know which woman is ideal for your life. So before taking this hard decision, add meaning to your life.

A meaningless life of a person goes nowhere and naturally, the decision-making power in that person is missing. Firstly, build your own life goals and try to achieve them before it’s too late.

Observe your own personality around each other

  • Do you notice any change in behavior with each one of the women individually?
  • Does your personality get change in contact with any of your chosen women?

If the answer to this question is ‘Yes’ then you should avoid the girl with whom your personality gets affected.

You’re personality changes with both women, and then make sure to notice with whom you feel safe and happier. That might be the woman of your dream. Never change your own self for the sake of a woman that may occur future issues. Sacrificing your personality will make you an incompetent decision-maker.

Sacrificing your personality is like sacrificing your own freedom, your true self for emotions. Loving someone where a condition is set that type of relationship is to be always avoided. Cause in a relationship there is no place for any kind of deals.

A relationship should be between any two individuals where no corporate dealings or conditions are to be accepted. One should provide their partner the freedom to have his/her own feelings.

If a person loves someone he should give his lover freedom to keep her own personality and have her own personal space, the same goes for women too. They should have a proper understanding of each other and respect their decisions regarding their individual life.

Things in her that makes you happy

For an instance let’s say you still cannot decide which one is perfect for you, then you need to dig deeper enough to reach the conclusion. Now you need to make a list of the things that made you happy about her.

For example, in one women’s column

  • Great with handling money-related issues.
  • Has a bright future
  • Close relation with families and friends.
  • Knows what she is up to

For another woman’s column

  • Knows how to cook.
  • Gives my own personal space
  • Loves animals
  • Knows what I need

By looking into these lists of items, both sets of women seem very much attractive but the ultimate decision depends on your way of seeing and thinking. But seeing the list if I were you I would personally choose the second one no offense. She personally suits my personality and can make me happy that’s more important than any other aspect for me.

Time to make a decision

Hopefully, after all those tips above, you can possibly have a brief idea of a woman of your dream. You can follow these tips and can choose the women you are most compatible with. After giving some serious thoughts based on these few topics, it’s time to build your own decision.

Always think twice before concluding your judgment. It is your life which is depending upon the decision. Don’t take too much stress, be calm in your thoughts and finalize a decision.

After making a decision don’t think too much about it, now what is most important is to face them both and choose between them. No one said that love is easy and loving anyone is a matter of a joke. One is going to get hurt anyway, but that doesn’t mean you have the rights to play with her feelings, right?

After this decision and implementing it, you will get more mature about loving somebody. It sure will be a mature thing to do, after this, you will get more habitable in taking hard decisions and give your life partner a perfect example of maturity. So, take a deep breath and be open to your heart and go according to your plan.

Difference Between Old Generation Love & New Generation Love

Truly speaking now-a-day, choosing the perfect woman or man is very much difficult with having so much open choices in hand. Going in a relationship now a day has become a fashion, rather a love affair like old days.

Now, everyone becomes committed, for few youngsters love doesn’t matter only matter is their own selfish deeds. I know for choosing a woman you need to be a little selfish, but it has some limitations too like you should respect him or her rather than treating like object materials. Old generation love is very much pure compared to this new generation love.

Now, a day loving someone is not something very big, but to maintain that love for long and lastly getting committed to her is a true definition of love. Youngsters should take some inspiration about their love life experience, they could say that loving someone is no doubt good but to maintain the love for a long and strong relationship is something that is not possible for everyone.

Making a committed love is not so easy, ask your grandparents when they used to wait for so long to meet each other due to many personal reasons. Nowadays in these socially active phases, each and every has ample options to get themselves in a relationship for short time.


We can finally conclude this topic by saying that a few tips can be used to get yourself out of this stressful situation of choosing between two women. Loving two women casually for a few days is ok for knowing themselves. But you need to think about which one will be ideal for you when you want to have a serious relationship with either of them.

To choose between two women is not very easy. You should always prepare to let one of them go. And the problem arises, what if I chose the wrong one? What if I don’t fall in love with her later? All the possible answers to your questions can be sorted by reading this article. In brief, I can suggest that be a little selfish about your decisions. Always put your feelings first, don’t consider changing your personality for any of the women.

If nothing of these tips work then according to my choice is flip a coin, you might think this, is a stupid idea but believe me it is effective as a last resort. Assign one woman to head and another to tail and toss it if the result is satisfying right away then it might be the ideal woman for you.

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