5 Things to Expect if You are in a Romantic Relationship

Would you like to know about the top 5 Things to Expect if You are in a Romantic Relationship! Two people, compatible with each other, fond of each other, feeling at ease with each other, often decide to be together. They enter into a romantic relationship. We say they are in ‘love’ with each other.

There are myths that go round and round saying – love is selfless, you need to prioritize the other in a relationship, there are no expectations in love, but is it really so?

Is it really possible for anybody to expect nothing in a relationship? Can one be truly selfless in a relationship?

5 Things to Expect if You are in Romantic Relationship

Well, we must remember that at the end of the day, we all are human beings and no matter how much stoic we want to be, we cannot always put a check to the expectations.

Now, here is a funny thing about expectation. Do you have expectations from a stranger? Do you have expectations from a distant uncle of yours whom you hardly see?

things expect if you are in romantic relationship
Things expect if you are in a romantic relationship

The answer is an obvious ‘No’! What does that mean? It means that you cannot have expectations from people about whom you do not care and vice versa. You only expect from people who are close to you – your parents, your siblings, your best friend, your partner!

So, what are the things that one expects from his or her partner when he or she is in a relationship? Let us try to find out!

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Friendship if You are in Romantic Relationship

Most of the people will agree that friendship is the basis of all relationships. Without friendship, no relationship can take place or grow. Many must be wondering why is friendship so important?

It is important because if you can be friends with a person how can the person love you? A romantic relationship is beyond physical desires. Yes, physicality is important in a romantic relationship but two people who are not close to each other, who are not connected with each other, can never get physical. It is because of the friendship that this closeness, this connection develop between the two individuals.

A friend is the most unique person in one’s life! How so? Unlike your parents and family members, you actually get to choose your friends. You do not share any blood relation with them and yet they sort of become a part of your family and more importantly your life.

A true friend is such a person who always has got your back. A friend is a person whom you can trust with all your secrets, even those you hide from your parents. This is such a person who knows you, your strengths, your weaknesses, your positives and your negatives, yet never judges you.

Your friend is out there to give advices, to support you, to encourage you, always!

A relationship, well, a romantic relationship, also needs all these elements. It is important to be friends with the person, you are in a relationship with. Friendship connects two minds. A friendship kicks off when two mental wavelengths match. So, a relationship is not structured on the basis of friendship, then it is all about the body and hardly about the soul or mental connection.

There is a serious doubt if this is healthy and for how long it can continue?

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Know the likes and dislikes of the other person

There are certain clichés that are used to describe a relationship – soul mate, made for each other, other half, better half and so on.

It is almost an unwritten rule of ‘love’ that there will be expectation that they will be aware of the likes and dislikes of the other person.

In a relationship, two individuals come together. They are bound to have different likes and dislikes. Of course, there will be things that will be common but again there will be things that one person likes and other hates and vice versa.

What does this mean? One need to change one’s habits, likes and dislikes for the other person. No, certainly not.

But one should know these to know the other person better and also there is a practical purpose as well. Also, it is a silent way of showing you care for your partner.

Suppose, you have gone out for dinner with some friends. Your partner has got allergy in prawns. Now, someone ordered prawn chips for the whole group, you immediately rectified it saying, “She has got allergy in prawn!” Imagine the sweet moment and the cute stare that will be exchanged between you two.

Let us come to a story. No, not story. In fact, it is an incident in the life of Rahul and Priya. You must be wondering who are they? Well, Rahul and Priya is a couple whom you can find anywhere – at a mall, at a cinema hall, at a park. They had been friends since school and they have been in a relationship from college.

They started living together in a 2 BHK apartment at New Town in Kolkata. It was a Sunday and they were supposed to go to a movie together. It was a comedy movie, Rahul did not like the genre very much but still was willing to go to keep Priya company.

They both were supposed to meet at the movie theatre at 12 PM. Priya took the car for a servicing from where she would come to the theatre and Rahul went to grocery shopping from where he would meet Priya.

It was almost 12.25 PM when Priya came. She was apologetic and kept on complaining about the traffic. Rahul hated when anyone failed to keep an appointment whatever maybe the reason. He did not say anything but kept quiet.

The next day, Rahul woke up and found fried bacon for breakfast. He was surprised. “You hate bacon..” he said staring at Priya.

“But you loved them!” Priya replied with a smile. They both hugged each other.

This small incident of Priya and Rahul must have given an idea how knowing these things about the partner is a bliss. This also gives the opportunity of creating some magical moments in a relationship.

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Make time for yourselves in Romantic Relationship

At present, everyone is very busy. All are running behind career, money, ambition and often they forget that they need to spend time with the people they care about.

Everyone has a lot of engagements, assignments, tasks and more but at the end of the day, one should spend time with his or her partner as well. This is important for a relationship.

Both the individuals in the relationship, have their external worlds where they have their jobs, other activities and all. However, they must also remember that they have a world of their own. This world is comprised of the two of them. And when the two of them are in this world, what they share, how they enjoy, no one can take it away from them, no matter what.

We all aware of the fact that the world outside is not a very kind place. You go out to get your bread, or salary, if we speak literally and in the course of that you get exploited, abused and also humiliated at times. Amidst all these, one must have a comfort zone in the person they love.

One can have a rough day but the simple thought of going back home and talking with the person he or she loves brings a smile on the face. It also encourages to wrap up the pending tasks quickly and go back home to have a nice comforting chat.

Making time for each other is indeed very important or else there will be an alienation. This is not good for a relationship. This leads to all the overthinkings, wrong assumptions, feeling of getting ignored and what not.

So, it is important to talk it out with your partner and decide how to keep some time just for each other. In today’s world, everyone is involved always in some thing or the other but this cannot be a hindrance in a relationship. 

Nowadays, we talk about work life balance and how work life take a toll on domestic life as well. But at the end of the day, this should be managed, if not balanced. A couple has to decide when it is going to be their own time. At that time, no matter how important task comes up, one must not compromise with this time. It does not have to be a very long time necessarily. It can be a quick 10 minutes chat or a 5 minutes video call. This is a return to the comfort zone which injects the energy to face the hostilities of the day.

This kind of an element is very important in a relationship. A relationship grows, develops and becomes matured with the understanding between the two people. This brings me to the next thing that one expects in a relationship – understanding each other.

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Understanding Each other in Romantic Relationship

A relationship, a serious relationship, cannot survive if there is no understanding between the two people. And from where does this understanding come? It comes from trust. So, we can say that if there is no trust between the two individuals, then it is not a true relationship.

We are all humans and every day is not the same for us. There are days when we may feel down and melancholic. These are the days where nothing can please you and you want to be alone. You do not like any interactions even with your favourite person.

From a distance, it may seem like you are ignoring the other person but actually you are not. You are trying to sort out several things in your head. Now, when it is a healthy relationship and the two persons trust each other then you immediately know what your partner is going through. You give them the time they need. In the meantime, you try to support them. Not always by words but by small gestures and actions to show them that you care for the other person and they are not alone.

Often people without considering anything tend to over think and over assume. They pick up a fight with their partners. In most of the cases, they throw allegations at each other without any basis or logic and in the course of that end up hurting each other. This is certainly not a healthy relationship.

A true relationship means to extend support especially at times when the other person is facing problems. As two people be with each other, there is a bond that develops between them. This bond grows through their conversations, arguments, spending time together. This is how they come to know each other better, or in other words, they understand each other.

A person can be vulnerable only in front of the people he or she trusts and knows. So, when the person is going through a rough patch or even at normal times, the person will expect that his or her partner will understand what he or she is going through.

You must remember that your partner is being completely himself or herself in front of you because you are a person whom he or she trusts. The other person knows that you will not be judgmental and will provide a shoulder no matter what. This is the reason when you get to see many shades of your partner which no other person will ever get to witness.

And you get to see these shades because your partner thinks that he or she can trust you and you will understand him or her like no one else. This kind of a trust and understanding should exist between each other in a relationship.

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Surprise Each Other in Romantic Relationship

Earlier, we get to know about an episode of Rahul and Priya. Now, let us shift to another couple – Arnab and Shri. They met each other for the first time at university. Both of them were students of English literature.

After completing Masters’, Arnab went on to become a lecturer at a college and Shri got a job with a media house in its digital department as one of the Sub Editors. They have been in relationship for more than two years.

One day, Shri was under a lot of pressure at office. It was one of the heavy news day where a lot of events were taking place. In the morning, on her way to office she sent a text with sad emojis to Arnab, “Busy day!!! Lots on my plate!! Poor me! Talk to you at night!”

Around 1.30 PM, one of the floor attendants went to Shri’s desk and told her that there is a delivery for her. Shri was surprised! She tried to remember if she had ordered anything at her office address. Nothing came to her mind. Finally, she got up and went to see a Zomato delivery guy was waiting for her.

At that very moment, Shri received a text from Arnab, “Ensuring that my busy journalist is not skipping lunch again! Enjoy the food!”

Shri was so happy! She went upstairs at the entry with the parcel. When she opened the box, she was happier. Arnab has sent her mutton biryani from her favourite biryani joint!

This is definitely going to fuel her for the rest of the day.

So, what did you get from this sweet episode of Arnab and Shri?

When you are in a relationship, it is important to surprise each other with these little things. Don’t think that you have to exert in these efforts for being in a relationship. On the contrary, when you are in a relationship, these feelings will come to you spontaneously.

When you truly care about your partner, you will always look for ways to make him or her a little for happy. The smile of your partner is the best thing you can ask for and seeing them happy will make you happy. This is how a true relationship works.

It is not about the big surprises, it is all the small things that matter. And remember, you do not need any occasion to surprise your partner. You can do that any day and without any reason.

If we think a little deeper, we will understand that a romantic relationship is almost like a mystery. One of the greatest mysteries of life is its unpredictability. But when two people know each other for a long time, they can finish each other’s sentences. This is why surprising each other is so important.

When nothing happens in your relationship for a long time the can become monotonous. By surprising your partner now and then, you can keep the mystery of your relationship alive. At the same time, it is also a gesture to show how much you care for the other person.

Knowing each other’s friends circle

In most of the cases, people enter into a serious relationship in college or later. I am not saying that serious relationships do not take place in schools but it is a rarity.

So, now when you meet each other at college or university and decide to be together, you must realise that both of you have your own circles of friends before meeting each other. This can be a circle from your schools, your tuition classes or anywhere else, that does not matter. What is important is that this friends’ circle exists and you are comfortable around them as they are your best friends.

You must understand that being in a relationship does not mean parting with your existing friendships and if that happens in any way then there is something wrong with your relationship. In every relationship, both the individuals want to introduce his or her partner to their circle of friends.

Why is this important? Well, this is important because your partner wants you to know him or her completely. Introducing you to his or her group of friends is like opening his or her world in front of you as well.

Your partner wants you to find out how he or she was like before you came. With this in mind, consciously or subconsciously, your partner introduces you to his or her close confidants.

Now, in this scenario there can be a problem. You may find that there is someone in your partner’s group whom you do not like. This happens. You may like or dislike a person with or without any reasons. What will you do in that case? Will you overtly show your dislike for the person?

Well, that is not a good idea. This can hurt your partner. And the last thing you want to do is to give a choice to him or her between you and that friend. This will hurt your partner even more.

So, I will say that in case of such a scenario, you should try to play along. In case of common gathering or a party, you can try to stay away from the person and restrict yourself with minimum interaction with him.

If there is something wrong with the person or if the person really has any ill-intentions for which you do not like him, one day or the other, the person will be exposed. Your partner will come to know about it.

People in general are very sensitive and protective about their friends. They are not ready to accept anything against their friends, no matter, from whom it is coming.

You must know that you care about your partner. You are responsible to keep your partner happy and at ease. As we have discussed earlier, you and your partner are two separate individuals with distinct tastes. So, it is a possibility that there will be some people whom you will like and your partner will not and vice versa.

But whatever maybe the case, you two should respect each other, trust each other and look out for each other. If the basic foundations of a relationship are strong, no matter what happens, you and your partner will overcome it together.

Keywords: romantic relationship, romantic relationship example, romantic relationship expectations, healthy romantic relationship expectations

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