My Boyfriend Stopped Talking To Me: What to Do? Reasons & Solution

Love is fair. Your efforts will end up making the relationship better, and you will be pleased with the results. Do what it takes to grow your affair without waiting for your partner to match your energy.

The girl who did not receive a reply from her boyfriend within a few minutes may get upset. You shouldn’t be concerned if this is what you mean by your boyfriend not talking to you. His schedule probably prevents him from texting all day long. He might be spending time with his family instead of using his phone.

What is the Longest Time You Can Go if Your Boyfriend Stopped Talking?

Your partner’s personality and the cause of the cut in communication will determine whether it will work or not. When you miss your partner or feel your disconnection is taking time, reach out when you miss your partner or are busy.

my boyfriend stopped talking me reasons solution what do
My boyfriend stopped talking me reasons solution what do

Disconnection may result from not communicating for too long, eventually damaging the relationship. If you allow work and distance to occupy a great deal of your time, your feelings will fade quickly. Your partner can be notified when it is time to reach out to you by setting a reminder. A dialogue where everyone can air their grievances would be the best way to solve the problem.

How to deal with your boyfriend not talking to you?

Too much Talking before actual Point

Many women feel the importance of sharing every detail of their stories with their men to build intimacy and help them understand what they’re going through. He, on the other hand, is more focused on the point. The point of view of a man is that women provide too many details while he wants to get straight to the point. A relevant question may not come to you until five minutes into a story that may be too long for some men.

It is a response you have heard countless times from your boyfriend. Sometimes, a mate won’t give a damn about what you say, and he shouldn’t have to. Those details, which do not affect him or the relationship, may not be pressed into his attention. It’s best if you talk about them with a friend. If the topic is important to you both, discuss it, but stick to the main point and ask your partner questions about it.

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Forgot your Boyfriend’s Birthday

The type of boyfriend who takes important moments of their life seriously, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and the like, but you are indifferent. A person’s boyfriend may stop communicating with them as a way of showing their displeasure for your forgetfulness.

Avoiding a Fight

It is not uncommon for men to keep their tongues in check to preserve peace. There’s no point in getting into a long argument about anything else when they’d rather fight about why they don’t talk. Your mate is forced into the silent corner if you treat a conversation like a debate. When his opinion differs from your own, let your mate know that you want to hear his opinion. Admit that you criticize his opinions often, but say you are trying to improve your respect and tolerance. Refrain from pressuring him to see your point of view. You allow him to feel comfortable before asking.

Cannot Keep Up your Thought Process

Talking about one thing makes you recall another, so you move on to the next topic, then a different one, and so on. During this time, you lose your guy. The whole process is like tracking a mouse in a maze, which is nerve-wracking and exhausting for your boyfriend.


Every successful relationship builds on communication. Couples always have to deal with it regardless of their choice. Sometimes, your partner may do something wrong, and such behavior is painful. Although you may not want to do it, cutting off communication with your partner will show that you are still grieving.

It is impossible to overstate how important communication is in relationships. There will likely be other issues in the relationship if communication isn’t working. The lack of communication between your boyfriend and you are not completely natural. You’re smart to have noticed and are ready to take action.

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Your boyfriend completely misunderstands something you say to them & it’s not their fault. Either you misspoke, or they misunderstood you. After that, things go off the rails & feelings get hurt.


The relationship should be treated as seriously abusive if it is characterized by disloyalty. There is no evidence to support your claim that your partner is cheating. In such circumstances, it is a good idea to stop communication with such partners until they understand that you are suspicious of their conduct and apologize for it.

Timing is Everything

You don’t like to be buttonholed right when you enter the door from work or when you are in a hurry. Schedule your chats at a time when you both feel your best. We recommend talking after both of you have had a chance to relax and can concentrate on your conversation.

Doing Other Necessary Things

Whether he’s watching the game or writing an email, he’s on the computer. It may not be the right time to speak if he’s watching the game or trying to fall asleep. Men are sometimes incapable of verbal multitasking than women because they want to keep their mental focus on something else. You might need to give him time to consider your question if it’s a serious one. If you have a question, ask it and then come back later.

Also Read: Guy Stops Talking to you

Personal Issues

Possibly, he is dealing with some personal issues. It is important to remember that each person has a different reason for what they do. Here are a few possible reasons why your boyfriend might be ignoring you.

  • He may have had a big argument with one of his friends.
  • Mental illness may be a problem for him.
  • He may have too much work or school on his plate.
  • His family may have also experienced something serious. You might not want to talk to your boyfriend if you know that his parents are going through a divorce.

Over Impressing your Boyfriend

The whole life of a man is spent for status and respect with other guys. That is not something he wants to compete with. Don’t brag too much about your Ferrari or watching your first Godfather triathlon, but let him know when things are going well. Your quirks, not your trophy walls, are what make a boyfriend fall in love with you when you are providing your identity. Although many men are proud of their exemplary partners, others are intimidated by women who accomplish things.

Agree with You on Everything

You dated a guy who listened well when you first met. When he sided with your boss on that fateful day, he was torn to pieces by you. Women often consider the agreement a sign of support, whereas men often prefer to see the other side of the story. He will not be motivated to listen if he believes you are only trying to get him to agree. It’s never fun to suppress your honest opinion or to have to agree with a person you think is wrong.

Also Read: How to tackle relationship issues

Too Much Nagging

A broken record isn’t what you think of yourself. Your guy gets organic milk the next time he goes to the store. He brings home non-organic whole milk once again & again when you’re fighting. Men love nothing more than new apps, so it works. When he enters the milk type once, his phone will store it for good. That will end the argument so you can focus on more important things, like what he’s getting you for your anniversary.

Your Boyfriend fear of you making fun of him

You are afraid that your boyfriend will be criticized or mocked if he shares his thoughts with you. You may not understand how he feels about talking to you, or you may not understand how you respond to him. If you show your boyfriend this list, you can identify the reason or reasons why he hasn’t been talking to you. He may be willing to talk to you about why he won’t talk to you. In most cases, the person himself will provide the best information if he is open to it.

Too Busy

Time is of the essence to have a fulfilling relationship. Especially if the relationship is new, both of you need to spend time to know one another. One of the ways you can correct this is to keep your partner away from you for a while if they are more interested in work or distracted by less important activities. The relationship is high on their priority list if they held you in high regard, in which case they would make themselves available to you after they realize why you have distanced yourself from them.

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How you do to make your boyfriend talking again?

Apologize to Him

Make sure he knows you are sorry if he’s angry at you. You may have gotten into an argument with him or done something that offended him to the point that he isn’t talking to you. Let him know you are sorry if you feel remorseful. Make sure your apology is sincere. You should give him time to process your apology and accept it. He may not forgive you right away. Take a backseat and let him work through his feelings on his own.

Make a first Move

Let him know if you’re interested in hanging out. You might realize that he has missed talking to you after spending some time together. Suggest doing something you both enjoy together to get things going again. So that you can get back into the swing of things, keep it casual and low-stakes.

Respect His Personal Space

He deserves respect, so back off. Even people that we are close to sometimes need space. You might need to take a break from your relationship, or perhaps the problem isn’t your fault. Whatever he says, give him the time he needs.

You may feel hurt by this, and that’s understandable. However, you respect other people’s feelings, so try to refrain from talking too much to him.

If you behave maturely and respectfully, he is more likely to talk to you again than if you cross his boundaries.

Be Yourself

Make your personality shine & never be afraid to be yourself. You don’t need to act differently to get him talking to you again. Do what you enjoy and continue living your authentic life. It will even better if his interests coincide with yours. If you want to catch his attention, don’t act fake or try to change yourself. 

Not talking to him might not make much of a difference if he isn’t into you the way you are. Engage in a genuine conversation. He will be the one who misses out if he doesn’t respond.

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Try to reach out to your boyfriend

It won’t be easy to get things back to normal immediately. He just needed a little time to himself if you’ve taken a break or he hasn’t responded to you lately. Stop texting or calling him every day until you start talking again. When he does not respond immediately, do not follow up. Let’s take a casual approach at first and see how it goes.

It might be difficult to not talk constantly, but it is very important to take your time. You are showing him you care about his feelings, as well as that you are not needy.

Let Him Chase You

Give him some time to miss you by easing up on the attempts to get his attention. Sometimes it’s better to be unavailable to rekindle his interest. You keep yourself busy with friends and hobbies during this period and refrain from contacting him. Hopefully, this will induce him to become interested again.


You should let your confidence shine, so be confident. Your confidence might have been shaken if he stopped talking to you. But remind yourself of your greatness with positive self-talk. You don’t need to text or call him to ask why he won’t talk to you, just let him know that you’re alright. You only need to contact him when you need to discuss something.  Tell him about your recent promotion if you received one. Your pride in yourself might impress him.

Ask him for help

You’ll find that most guys love to feel needed, so ask him for a favor. You might get a better response if you directly ask him for something. You can send him a quick call to let him know you need his assistance with something. You can also ask him if you happen to come across him.

Hang out with your Friends

The distraction will also make it easier for you not to dwell on him. Spend your time with your best friends while you have more time on your hands. You can lean on your friends if you feel depressed over missing this guy. Besides getting to know you, he might hear about all the fun activities you’re participating in. Perhaps you could attend a concert or dine at a new restaurant. If your friends tell him you’re having a good time, that’s awesome.

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Do & don’t when your boyfriend does not want to talk to you

Don’t go for Break Up

If you are mute, don’t act or say things that appear as if you’ve given up on the relationship or are tired of it. Your displeasure and apologies are all it takes for you to get back to the happy part of your relationship.

Do Pay Attention in Non-verbal Communication

Many people communicate using non-verbal means as well as words. It is possible to learn a lot about people by watching his eyes, postures, and gestures. You may be able to figure it out. If you talk to your boyfriend, you can also pay attention to his body language. It will allow you to see how he is taking your messages.

Changing his position and not making eye contact, for instance, may indicate that he is uncomfortable with the topic. If you pay attention, you’ll be able to recognize what your boyfriend may not be saying verbally. It can tell you just as much about your boyfriend as a conversation with him.

Don’t Intrude their Privacy

Yes, if you do care so much about your privacy and are easily pissed off by any intrusion, the best thing to do is tell your partner about it. There’s nothing wrong with hiding things from them. It’s more that you’d like some time alone, and they’d better be prepared to join you. To talk it out with your partner, if he or she is nonetheless hell-bent, is the best solution. The next step should be to cut off communication if that fails and they take it as a joke. It would force them to realize the seriousness of their nonchalant attitude towards your privacy.

Do not Block Your Boyfriend

The extent of your anger does not extend to blocking your partner from using every possible channel to reach you. You should assume they already know you’re done with them, and you will be ready to move on with your life soon, whether on-call or through social media, so don’t block them.

Do Appreciate

Consider making your partner aware that you need a partner who won’t take your efforts for granted if your partner does not appreciate the constant effort you put forth to make the relationship stand out. To stop talking with your partner is one of the logical ways you can stop the conversation. They will realize their lack of appreciation for your efforts if they see that. But remember, a relationship depends on precise exchanges of love. When you are willing to go the extra mile for your partner than what you think they ought to do for you, you have a beautiful relationship.

Don’t be a Mind Reader

Couples who spend a long time together tend to fall victim to the habit of reading each other’s minds. Love and romance are severely hampered by this faulty sin of talking for your mate. You will be wrong 20 percent of the time, and you will never hear those new ideas even if you have the talent to read minds 80 percent of the time. Relationships suffer for this reason. Monologue with yourself in front of a mirror is an effective way to avoid getting input from your boyfriend.

Don’t Know when to Stop

You have plenty to say about everything from your son’s daycare teacher to his clothing choices and even his mother. If you feel you need to say everything or fear your partner will jump in and take over, you might think you need to say everything. Some women enjoy talking and can go on and on without pausing, while men typically view conversations as mean to stop.

Don’t Know when to Stop

You have plenty to say about everything from your son’s daycare teacher to his clothing choices and even his mother. If you feel you need to say everything or fear your partner will jump in and take over, you might think you need to say everything. Some women enjoy talking and can go on and on without pausing, while men typically view conversations as mean to stop.

Don’t Interrupt

Conversations require both parties to participate. It is disrespectful to interrupt your partner. Sadly, interrupting your partner has become a bad habit in many relationships. Rather than berating yourself for this habit, be aware of your verbal hijackings and make an effort to close your mouth when your boyfriend is speaking. His words will likely fill your moments of silence in ways you wouldn’t have expected.

Don’t Use Complicated Topics

Because there are no easy solutions or answers, many couples avoid discussing big and important issues. Perhaps it is a very difficult or complicated topic. There is no sense in avoiding the truth and slogging it out until the end when it is easier to avoid talking about such things.

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